Chapter 9

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By the time we had reached Nicks front door, I was almost asleep again. He may my down on the couch with the girls.

"I don't know where to start" Kalani whispered.

I looked around to make sure the boys weren't near.

"He called my his girlfriend Kalani" I smiled.

"And there's so much more you don't know about"

"Like what?" She said raising one eyebrow.

Just then the boys walked in with the pizzas.

"Later" I mouthed at Kalani.

Nick say down next to me and Josh sat down next to Kalani.

Paige was sitting on the other couch, peering out the window every five minutes.

"Where are they? I hope there okay" Paige said, worried.

"They'll be fine, they were right behind us at the pizza place remember? They're probably just stuck in traffic" Josh reassured her.

He was the sweetest twin brother anyone could have asked her.

"You're probably right" Paige said, sighing.

"Why aren't you eating?" Nick asked me.

"Just not hungry" I shrugged.

"I'd say she's fairly full after your little car incident Dobbs" Josh jeered.

I laughed and shook my head. Nick gave Josh a "shut up" kick.

Kalani sat up.

"Hold up, you're still virgins right?"

"Lani!" I shrieked "Of course!"

We all laughed. The bell rang at the front door. "I'll get it" but Paige was already at the door, hugging Ricky.

"I was so worried, where were you!?" She said, playfully hitting him.

"Just stuck in traffic" he said, pecking her on the lips.

"Emery went home" Ricky carried on. "With that eh girl he brought."

"Typical Emery" Nick laughed.

I wasn't liking the vibe off of her anyway.

"Their loss, now sit down before your pizza gets cold" Josh said.

Nick threw a DVD into the tv and sat back down next to me. He put his arm around me and I rested my head on his chest. He was always so warm.

I had never noticed how tall he was before, he was about 6"3.

"You're really talk Nick" I whispered.

"I've noticed" he whispered back.

"I have to duck going into all the classrooms."

I giggled. I had spent the whole movie just tracing heart and doodles on the back of Nicks hand with the tip of my finger.

The smell of the greasy pizza was making me feel nauseous.

"I'll take out the boxes" I said, collecting the empty pizza boxes and brought them out to the kitchen.

"Anybody want a drink?" I asked.

Everyone put their hand up, their eyes glued to the T.V.

"I'll get them" said Nick, following me into the kitchen.

I put the boxes into the recycling and got down glasses from the press for Nick to fill.

"Nick?" I asked.

"Yeah?" "What happened in your childhood"

"I'll tell you another time, I don't wanna ruin this perfect night" he said, tucking my hair behind my ear.

"Ok" I said.

"But your alright, aren't you?"

"I am now Maddie."

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