Chapter 2: My Mate

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Clayton's P.O.V.

          I was in my car driving to my new job, being a teacher. I felt like there was something waiting for me. Like I needed to be there. I got to the school and walked to my new classroom. I had plenty of time cause i got to the school a half an hour early. I already knew where everything was because I had visited yesterday. As I walked into the class, I sat at my desk and looked at the agenda for the day. I wanted to make sure I had everything planned out before the class came in. Then a young girl came in, she looked as if she was seventeen. She had way too much makeup on, and literally looks like a plastic doll. She began to notice I wasnt paying attention because she then leaned over my desk trying to show her chest like a total slut. Sometimes being the attractive alpha male I am, seems like a curse. I don't understand why girls just throw themselves around. I finally asked,

"Do you need something?"

"I would just like to introduce myself, I'm Caroline Banks. I'll be in your fourth period. I look forward to seeing you."

When she continued to not move I replied," I'm Mr. Taylor, if you don't mind I'm kinda busy at the moment, if you could escort yourself out."

With that she walked out swaying her hips way to hard. It despises me, why girls do that. I went back to my agenda, as I was reading I smelt the scent of cinnamon and vanilla. It was amazing. With that I heard someone come into the room with a beautiful voice,

"Holy Fudgecakes"

I looked up to see the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. She was wearing a agua dress with gray lace at the top and gray vans. Her hair was perfectly straightened and had on little makeup which I liked. I hate how girls wear a ton of makeup trying to make themselves look better when they just look worse.

We stared in each others eyes for what seemed like eternity. My wolf then yelled,

'Mate' 'Go to Mate'

I smirked as I stood up and walked to her. She looked as if she was talking to someone else, probably just her wolf. I know she's a werewolf because I can smell it on her. I can also tell she has to be either the daughter of the alpha or beta because she has a powerful aroma. As I waited for her to come back to reality I just took in her beautiful scent.

Moments later she snapped back and I felt the need to kiss her, to hold her and be there with her forever to protect her and love her unconditionally. I saw her eyes turn to black filled with lust but also confusion. As I was on front of her she leaned in and kissed me It was so powerful, sending tingle's down my spine and everywhere she touched me. It was also passionate and loving but I wanted ore to be closer. I leaned her into the wall and the kiss became more rough. She wrapped her legs around my waist. As I started running out of breath and could talk she was too I pulled away and began kissing her neck as little moans escaped her mouth.


A.N. I hoped you liked the chapter I plan on writing more later today. Comment what you think and your opinions, good and bad. Please vote..!!!!





My Teacher, My Mate, My Alpha(On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now