Chapter 2- Explaining

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Zabrina's POV

Father had told the guards to stop the party and get all the people out of the castle, then he took Midna up to one of the bedrooms and put her in bed. Mother and I stayed with to watch if she wakes up while father left to get her some food and water.

"Mother, What are you doing?" I asked. She was closing all the curtains and putting out all the candles.

"Midna can't survive in the light. It drains the life out of her." Mother replied closing the last curtain, leaving the room in darkness.


"Because she's from the twilight realm. We live in the light realm. When a light person goes into the twilight they become a spirit and when a twilight person comes into the light it drains they're life and kills them slowly. Unless they stay in the shadows. In the shadows they are safe."

"Why would she come here then? And how? Why have I never heard about this before?"

"Your father and I didn't think it was important to tell you, but I guess now, you should know. There is a way to get between the two worlds. The twilight mirror. Long ago, the two worlds lived in harmony, Midna the twilight's princess, but Ganondorf took over her kingdom and turned her people against her, banishing her to this realm. The light realm. But Ganondorf wanted more power, he tried to take over this realm as well by merging the two worlds and covering this land in twilight. Your father stopped him. He brought peace back to the two worlds. When Midna went through the mirror back to the twilight she broke the mirror. So, I'm not sure how she got here now. Your father, Ganondorf, and myself are the only ones who are known to be able to walk through both worlds unfazed. The triforce symbol on our hands gives us a magic that allows us to do this. You and your brothers may possibly be able to pass through too, since you have the triforce as well."

"Wow, that's... amazing." I said. I really don't know what to think.

Father came in the room with a glass of water and a plate of food, my brothers followed behind him, he set the glass and plate down on the table.

"I've explained what's happening to the boys, does Zabrina know?" Father asked.

"Yes, I just told her." Mother said.

"There's no time to waste." Midna said. She held a hand on her head as she tried to sit up.

"Midna! You need to rest! Lie down and have something to drink." Father said. He ran over to her and tried to help her.

"I can't do both Link, and we don't have time for this! Ganondorf is back somehow. He fixed the mirror and has once again taken control of the twilight realm. I know he's on his way here you must do something." 

Sorry it's short! I feel like that was a good place to end. Tell me what you think! I welcome criticism as long as it's actually helpful. Thank you all for reading!

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