chapter two ;

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sabrina: daddy I'm horny 

uriah: what the fucking hell?

sabrina: what? can't a girl be horny?

uriah: you slut!

sabrina: well I can be ur little naughty girl ;)


sabrina: oh wow shit just got real 

sabrina : hi my name is sabrina nice to meet you 

sabrina :I am the love of your boyfriends life

sabrina: he adores me 

uriah: u shady bitch!

sabrina: maybe... but at least I am hot , famous and beautiful  so it doesn't really matter

sabrina: anyway if ur boy loved u at least a bit he would stop texting me imediately 

uriah is offline 

//6 hours later //

uriah: for fuck sake sabrina

sabrina : don't be mad daddy ;(

uriah: fuck you 

sabrina : yess fuck me 

uriah: STOP! 

sabrina: oh come on ! u are 19 y/o but u are acting like a kid . ffs .

sabrina: if u loved ur gf u would've been eating her up rn and not texting me ! it looks like ur relationships weren't interesting enough for you! 

uriah: omg fuck off already retarted prom queen 

sabrina: well at least I am not a little boy who is lost in his own thoughts 

*sabrina sent a picture*

*sabrina sent a picture*

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