Hangovers for the Hungover

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The next day Eren brought me water with ginger extract because I refused to just have the ginger. It helped with my hangover which lasted much longer than I anticipated. I hadn't thrown up, just gagging. I sat in my room chugging the special water Eren made for me. We cancelled our plans for the day and Eren stayed home from work. I handed Eren the water bottle and laid down. He stood up and turned the lights off in my room. It was a rainy day so my room was pretty dark with the exception of light that shone through the blinds. I felt the bed dip and I turned to face Eren. "So." He looked at me. "So." I whispered. He wrapped his arms around me and kissed my forehead "If anyone gets on you about those pictures from the rave come to me. Immediately." I nodded and closed my eyes. Why was I so okay with Eren doing this stuff? I still hate him. He's a football player therefore he's a jerk. I guess that makes me seem rude for just assuming all football players are jerks.

I debated so long on whether I should push him away or not that I eventually fell asleep. When I woke up I could feel the bile rising in my throat. Eren was sound asleep. His arms were wrapped around me. I tried to push him off but he was stronger than me. I was weak due to my severe case of lightheadedness. "Eren let me go. I'm gonna vomit on you." He slowly opened his eyes and I looked up at him "I'm gonna be sick." He quickly sat up and grabbed my little bedside trash can that I barely ever used. It was usually filled with demerits and letters home from school, but I hadn't gotten many of those lately. He handed it to me and I immediately started throwing up. When I stopped I started falling over. Eren moved so I was sitting in between his legs, my back to his chest. I leaned back and Eren handed me the water. It didn't taste the same as the ginger water, it was like ocean water. Salty. "We have to get the alcohol out of your system." Eren took his phone out of his pocket and put on Netflix and held it where I could see it. He put on Voltron and I watched. He rubbed my back and a few moments later I was vomiting again "There we go."

"I can't stop." I hated throwing up with a burning passion. "I know, love. You're gonna be hungry after, I'll make you soup. Sound good?" I nodded slowly, but even the smallest motion made me sick. I gagged and put my head back against Eren's chest. "I'm gonna have to leave soon-"

"Why?" I cut him off "My parents want me to be home by a certain time because they're going to get my grandmother from the airport. She'll be staying with us for a while."

"You would think you would used this time when I'm at my weakest to get the lovey dovey shit out of me because you know if I wasn't like this right now I'd probably be kicking you out."

"Will you be okay? No throwing up in my Jeep." He raised an eyebrow and smiled. "I can't guarantee I won't throw up in your Jeep." I looked up at him "That's fine." He chuckled and checked the time on his phone. "Do you want more ginger water?" I nodded and he stood up and moved me so my back was against the backboard. "I'm gonna let you get dressed." I looked up at him and moved to swing my legs over the side of the bed. He quickly jumped in to help me. I smiled and I heard a knock on the door. My mom walked in and covered her mouth "I'm so sorry! Am I interrupting something?"

"Not at all Mrs. Ackerman." Eren said as he helped me stand up. My mom had a look of relief as she hurried into my room "That's Mom to you. How's my baby feeling? I remember my first hangover-"

"Not my first and certainly not my last." I looked at her and she took my trash can from me "I know! I just thought now would be the perfect time to share my high school experiences." She smiled and walked out. We sat in silence for a minute or two before Eren spoke up "Can you walk?" I smiled and ushered for Eren to move out of my way. I did a cartwheel and looked at him "I'm fine. Still throwing up, but I'm fine." I swallowed in order to keep myself from throwing up on the floor. He nodded once before he left me, closing the door behind himself.  I brushed my teeth and sighed, walking to my closet, picking out whatever I could find. Once I was somewhat comfortable with what I was wearing I walked out of my room to find my trash can sitting by my door with a new trash bag. I went downstairs to find Eren sitting on the couch with my water in hand. He stood up once he saw me and removed his hoodie and handed it to me. "It's kind of chilly." I smiled and put it on "It's kind of chilly." I mocked him and he smiled and shook his head. "Mrs. Ackerman!" Eren called for my mother and she didn't respond. Eren looked confused for a second before he called her a second time "Mom!!"

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 21, 2017 ⏰

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