Part 2

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Chapter summary : Keith isn't a morning person. Lance persuaded his best friend to help him figured out his theory. Pidge is laughing hard in the kitchen.


Something was going on, Keith was sure of it. Lance was acting weird. Not like Lance wasn't always acting weird to Keith's own dictionary but recently? Weirder than usual.

And Keith didn't get it. There was no reason for Lance to act so secretive, so sneaky. To have all this glances at him, as if he was making sure Keith was not listening. There was no reason for such behavior, Keith's birthday was already long gone, and plus, only Shiro knew the date. Thus, Keith wasn't getting it.

But he decided he was too early in the morning to put so much thought on the subject. He had more important ones to think about anyway. Such as the way they were to defeat Zarkon, or battlefield strategies, the blade of Marmora... And the list went on.

Once both mind and body were operational that was it. He needed his breakfast.

When Keith stepped in the kitchen, he found Pidge seating there, taking advantage of the morning sunlight passing through the huge windows to do some updates on Rover. Keith had since long ago learned that he was not to question Pidge when she was working on something. Especially her flying robot. But she was surprisingly the first one to talk.

"Your breakfast is in the fridge, Lance and Hunk left it here for you."

Keith wasn't a morning person and to learn that his breakfast was already done? That was good news. This, was a good day starting.

So, he grabbed the plate, a spoon and a glass of space juice, sat back in front of the green paladin, and started eating.

Hunk had surpassed himself, the cake was delicious, the sorbet was perfect and the juice he had made helped to wake him up gently.

"I wonder what green and purple make," whispered Pidge.

Keith stared at her, his brain still foggy with sleep. She eyed at his plate. And then it hit him.

Hidden by the taste of the cake, unbeknownst to his sleepy mind, was a green ice cream scoop. A mint chocolate one. Pidge saw Keith's sleepiness evaporate in an instant.

Oh, he suddenly looked very very awake.

"Lance!!!" He yelled and the chair scratched the ground as Keith stood up.

Blue was suddenly in very very deep trouble.

Pidge laughed, putting back the final wire back into Rover, "Those two are so much fun," she thought. And she burst out laughing, now alone in the kitchen when she heard Lance shouting in the castle's corridors. Obviously being chased by his human brooding Galra boyfriend:

"Oh, come on Red! It's for science !!"


A/N : SORRY NOT SORRY! I was inspired! And I liked the idea and wanted to share XD

Hope you had a good laugh because i certainly enjoyed writing this! ;)

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