I See You, but You Can't See Me

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Jesse's POV:

We park near a stone wall, the beach is completely empty. Only a few girls, dogs,and people surfboarding. I put on my sunglasses and sigh. "Take off your shoes, you don't want them to get sandy." Bryan says taking them off. I take mine off and put them in the car. "Lets hope we don't step in dog shit." I say.  We walk and see a few girls looking at us. Some of them are freaking out. Shit. "Can I take a picture with you.?" one girl said in a bikini. "Yeah, sure." I say. Before the flash she puts her lips against mine. What the fuck.? Once she got her phone back, she gave me a slip of paper. "Call me later." she says in my ear. She then leaves. I look at the paper, of course its her number. I pretend to drop my phone and bury the paper in the wet sand. "Good idea." Bryan says. I say nothing in response and just keep walking. Slut. I then see a few people running to us. Crap.

Lana's POV:

We park next to a car, an old vintage car. "Sick car.!!" I say hopping out. "Yeah, I wonder who's car it is." Tori says. "Who knows." I say taking off my shoes. "Got your shoes off.?" I ask her. She nods and we walk in the warm sand. "Its nice getting out of the house, isn't it.?" she asks. "Yeah, it distracts me." I say. I then see people surrounding someone or something. "Do you think a celebrity is here.?" I ask. "I don't know. Wanna go check it out.?" she asks. "Nah, I don't wanna get pushed." I say.  She nods as we pass the crowd of people. "Hey, I brought a tennis ball so we can play." I say. "Lets play,go long.!!" I yell as she runs.I throw the ball at the crowd of people. Shit. I am a bad thrower.

Jesse's POV:

A bunch of people are crowding us. "Jesse is it true that you are leaving the band.?" one of the paparazzis say. I don't respond to anything, all the shit that they are yelling in my face isn't true, its bullshit. I hear a camera break. I then see a tennis ball on the ground, I pick it up. "Hey, who threw the ball at my camera.!?" the guy says. I then see through the crowd a girl. I push the guys out of the way to get a closer look. She isn't looking directly at me, she is looking at someone else. I then see a girl running towards her, once she made it to her friend, they run. "Those bitches." the guys says. "Leave them alone, they were just playing with a ball." I say showing him the ball. He then tries to take the ball away from me, but can't I then start to run away with Bryan to his car. We make it near the car, and see the two girls again. They both are putting on their shoes not noticing us. "Come on Lana the guy is running towards us.!!" her friend says. "He is too fat, he will take about an hour to reach our car." she says. They then drive off. "Dude, we have to go." Bryan says as I jump in the car. Through the way back home, I look at the ball. In my head I am thinking if I am ever gonna see that girl again. 

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