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Earth Defense Command, Mars Outpost One

March 30, 1999

"What are you doing in there?" Sullivan finally caught up with his target, whom of which tried to hide herself away inside one of the vents of an E.D.C Space Cruiser. "C'mon, kid, you know better than to be in here. Marissa has been looking all over for you." The trooper reached up and plucked the twelve year old from her spot, her lips formed a solid pout as Sullivan took her hand in his with a tight grip, ensuring she wouldn't slip away again.

"I found her," Sullivan spoke through his intercom to the rest of the search groups. Cassandra Paxton never asked for this. She never hoped in her whole life that she would constantly be seen as a child. I mean--she was--but she was old enough to not have to constantly have someone holding her hand or following her around. She was at the edge of her limit with constantly being babied by Marissa and the rest of the administration! "Your parents would have wanted you to be kept safe","We all want the best for you" they would always tell her. But, she was not her mother, nor' her father--she only wished they would begin to see her as her own person rather than those of her predecessors--

Earth Defense Command Headquarters, Earth

Present Day

"Come on, get up!" A rough shove brought the dreamer back from an unintentional nap, and her cuffed hands received a harsh tug which brought her up to her feet. Her shackles were in turn connected to the rest of the criminals on board the ship, and they were all led out in an equal-file line, led by an officer of the very--very recognizable Earth Defense Command. However, noticeably along the line, she was the only human among a crowd of various alien species.

"What are we dealing with today, Officer Golden?" The man who led them out was now handing a data pad to a superior, the women, known as Lieutenant Taylor Glenn, scanned her eyes over the list, "pirates, thieves, smugglers... The usual I'm guessing?" Her olive eyes met with each of the individuals, before landing upon the single human in the line. "What category does she fall under?" She asked Golden, not breaking her gaze on the young prisoner.

"Thief. She was caught trying to steal encrypted files from our Pluto Outpost."

"What kind of files?"

"We still aren't sure. She managed to manually override the system with very little footprint to leave behind. The only reason we even detected her was because her ship's license plate didn't match anything on our records."

It was undeniable that Taylor was impressed-very, very impressed. Only someone who went through the training was capable of overriding any of the E.D.C's computer software.

"Please say your name for me," Taylor demanded with stout in her tone, and the hazel-brown eyes of the addressed met hers, but she did not speak.

"Her I.D and ship were confiscated, and her license listed her name as being Andromeda Lovell." Golden alleviated the silence between the two women, handing the lieutenant a small card, printed with her ship's license and I.D. After identifying her, Taylor returned the items back to the Officer, and her posture straightened, "separate her from the rest of the group and put her in a containment room until she can question her further."

Upon that exchange of commands, the shackles on "Andromeda" released, but no one expected that within that span of a few seconds, that she was already making a break for it. She shoved down the guards in her path, and sprinted at the speed of someone who was obviously alumni to their high school's track team.

Fists clenched, and the face of Lieutenant Glenn bore imaginary flames. "Catch her, or this goes on all of your records!" She practically roared, causing all the lingering troops to disengage to all the doors that were even nearby the facility. But, little did they know, this one escapee they were after knew practically how the shadows of this base were laid out. She already mapped in her head multiple exit routes, and every corner led to a place that were means to an end to her, until-

Until she found herself in the shadow of one City Commander--one City Commander who didn't even need to address one's name to make the impression that one was indeed... caught. She very much miscalculated the fact that this base was also built to accommodate Autobots, even Autobots that bore the robust form of Ultra Magnus. She felt his gaze linger on her, and by gaze it was heavily meant to mean glare. She knew there was no way she could falsify her identity out of this one.

"I see you still have no respect for authority, Cassandra Paxton."

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