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Avani Bacchus's only hope for surviving this night shift was a constant stream of coffee and nightly reruns of the original Star Trek. She was fortunate to come across a station that aired old television shows, or else she would have to resort to sitting here staring at the surveillance monitors for the rest of the night. The proposal of joining the E.D.C seemed exciting at first for the Princeton graduate. But here she was, wasting her masters degree in aerospace engineering by sitting here. She thought she would be doing something with her life. Like, I don't know, going to space? Wasn't that what the Defense Command was for? She was beginning to regret not accepting NASA's offer. She groaned, taking a sip of her coffee.

"Has it occurred to you that there's a certain inefficiency in constantly questioning me on things you've already made up your mind about?"

"It gives me emotional security."

"Me too, Kirk." Avani said to herself. "You crazy bastard."

Her one-sided conversation about Spock and Kirk's on-screen interaction was interrupted by a flashing red light to the right of her keyboard. She rolled her chair over, brought her cup of coffee up to her lips, then froze. She glanced at the monitors. Nothing seemed to be breached, so why was the beacon going off? She typed some more, making sure to get a good look at all the cameras until she found the source of the disturbance. Within a few minutes, she found what she was looking for, and her cup fell to the desk. Rolling her chair over to the telecomm, she dialed in a few numbers and brought the device up to her head.

"This is Avani Bacchus in Surveillance." She said. "I need this line to be transferred to Kup right away."

"Yes it's an emergency!"


Cassandra knew she was going to be locked up, but she didn't think Marissa would confine her to her bedroom. Well, it was a small room with a two bunks, but it was better than a prison cell. The room was meant to house two people, but luckily no one wanted to be her roommate. It must be her charming personality. So yeah, she had the place all to herself, and surprisingly all her belongings were exactly as she had left it. There use to be a window next to her bed, but given the circumstances Marissa had it covered up with some old-fashioned planks of wood and nails. Guess she didn't want any peeping Toms watching her while she lays there contemplating her existence.

She turned her head to look at the clock. She had gotten no sleep since she had been here, and it was now a whopping 4 a.m and Cassandra wasn't even sure she blinked in the last ten minutes. However, one thing kept replaying in her mind over and over again.

"You're a wanted criminal."

Cassandra would be lying if she said she didn't like the sound of that. I mean, wanted by the Galactic Council? No one would fuck with someone with that title. Her lips quivered into a hesitant smile. For the first time all night, Cassandra felt she could actually relax, and fall into a much needed sleep that seems to have been misplaced from her life for the past few months. However, fate had other plans for her.

Her eyes shot open. A steady, obnoxious beep roused Cassandra from her few seconds of peace, and in that moment she felt a deep and profound desire to just fucking die. She balled her first up, swung her arm out for the telecom, and hit the answer button with such force she was surprised she didn't smash the device.

"Go fuck yourself." She said.

"I had a feeling you weren't asleep, " Marissa Faireborn replied, pretending she didn't hear that comment.

Cassandra groaned. "What do you want?" She said, eager to hang up and then throw the device against the wall.

"I think you'll be happy to hear that you have some visitors." Marissa said. I don't know if she was expecting Cassandra to scream with joy, but all the Captain got was some silence, and a "'kay".

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04, 2017 ⏰

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