Chapter 3

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I woke up before my alarm went off which never happens and tried to go back to sleep but couldn't do I decided to straighten my hair and look cute for school today. After what happened yesterday I was exhausted and fell asleep as soon as I went to my room and got in bed. I had weird dreams about the wolf and the boy and me. Trying to push them out of my mind I put on some Disney music and hopped in the shower singing along. After I got out of the shower and put on my bra and underwear I blow dried my hair and plugged in the straightener. While it was heating up I went to my closet to see if I had anything cuter than my usual t-shirt and jeans. After some digging around I found some cute jeans, a pretty across the shoulder white top and some lace up sandals.

I put on some mascara and pink lip gloss and a silver necklace that Ainsley got my for my birthday last year

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I put on some mascara and pink lip gloss and a silver necklace that Ainsley got my for my birthday last year. I went back into the bathroom and began straightening my hair. I finished straightening it and pulled some hair back to do a half up fishtail braid. Studying myself in the mirror I was satisfied, I looked cute but not too dressy. I was glad it would be warmer today so I could wear this shirt. I hugged Ace and Ellie then headed out, grabbing a coffee out of the fridge and my bag off the table on my way to my car. Listening to some more Disney music to keep me from worrying about seeing the boy today I made my way to school.*

Pulling into the parking lot I noticed a new car in the front row. It was perfect. It was a custom black camaro with chrome wheels and tinted windows. I drooled over it while I parked my car and finally headed towards the building. As I was walking to my locker I felt my phone vibrate and looked to see that Nate had texted me.
Nate- Omg Pierce you have got a lot of catching up to do since u decided to skip yesterday! Meet me n library during advisory.
Rayne- I know, I want all the deets on the new kids! See you then. Xoxo
Nate- Kk xo
I turned the last corner to my locker and ran straight into a rock hard chest. I felt weird sparks all over my body and a tingly warmth where two hands were on my waist. I had a feeling I knew who it was but I wanted to make sure so I looked up and looked straight into mesmerizing blue eyes. Then I gasped. Those were the wolf's eyes. They were exactly the same, it was so strange. Then he spoke and his voice made my whole body tingle. It was deep and husky and I wanted to listen to it forever. "Watch where you're going princess." he said with a smirk. All I could focus on was the fact that he called me princess then I realized that I probably looked really stupid just staring at him open mouthed and not answering so I quickly mumbled "I'm so sorry, excuse me." And I went to walk around him to my locker but he grabbed my wrist and turned me toward him again. "It's okay princess I promise you couldn't hurt me" he said winking. I realized that he was right. He had to be a foot taller than me and I could tell through his tight black shirt he was very toned. "You dropped this" he said bending to pick up my phone and hold it out to me. He glanced at the screen before I grabbed it and I saw his jaw clench. I looked at him confused when he asked "Who is Nate?" In a cold voice and I suddenly got annoyed. It wasn't any of his business who I was texting and he didn't need to be rude about it, I said sorry for running into him so what's the deal. "Um my friend, not that that's your business though. Thanks, goodbye." I said taking my phone and turning toward my locker. "Welcome." he said in the same cold voice and stared at me before walking away angrily. Jesus what is that guys problem, I thought. I tried not to think about how I felt when we touched and then how I felt when he talked to me in that cold voice and grabbed my books to head to my first class. I walked in just as the bell rang and took my seat next to the window. Zoning out during most of the lesson staring outside I didn't even realize the second period bell was about to ring until the girl next to me started rustling papers she was putting in her bag. Packing up my things I waited until the bell rang and then headed to biology. Sitting at my table I began getting out the lab equipment listed on the board when I felt someone sit next to me. Looking up I saw the boy. I tried to ignore him but he wouldn't stop starring at me so finally I turned to him and started back. We kept on like this for a while and he finally said "I'm Lincoln Smith, what's your name princess?" I was really confused and rolled my eyes. "Rayne Pierce." I said turning back to the equipment. I tried to ignore his intense stare the whole time Ms. Kirt was giving instructions but he just wouldn't stop. I gave him the paper so he would have something to do and hopefully stop looking at me. It worked! He was writing down the information. While he was distracted I took the chance to study him. His perfect skin, silky hair, beautiful lips, long eyelashes and sharp jaw line. He was perfect. Then I realized he was smirking and I said "What!?". He chuckled and said "take a picture it will last longer". I blushed and rolled my eyes, turning back to the lab and trying not to think about his intoxicating smell. He smelled like fresh rain and pine. The bell finally rang and I made my way to the library to meet up with Nate. I found him and Ainsley sitting at our usual spot in the lounge and walked over to them. "Okay so here is what we have found out so far." Ainsley said and they both proceeded to tell me that there were about 30 new kids and all of them lived in the Old Mansion and guest houses that they re modeled along with the rest of their families and they all seem to listen to Lincoln and the two other boys (whose names are Easton and Emmet) that came in with him on the first day. Lincolns dad is the new super intendant and the red head and two other girls think they are the "top bitches" now and the red head who's name is Lydia is possessive of Lincoln. Nate thinks Emmet is also gay and swears that he is going to "get some of that" while Ainsley thinks they are all part of a weird cult that we should stay away from.

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