Chapter 5

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I was laying in my bed with Ace and Ellie thinking about the events at school today when I heard my phone ring. I saw Ainsley's face pop up on the screen and clicked accept. "Hey girl, how about a movie night at my house?" She said excitedly. "Sounds great, I'm in need of some girl time." I replied. "Awesomeness, but I did invite Nate and there's also one other little thing.." she answered sounding a bit nervous. "He counts as a girl in this situation, and what is it Ley?" I asked her. "I met one of the new girls in my art class and she seems pretty cool and has been wanting to meet you and hang so I also invited her." She replied quickly. I thought it was a little weird of her to invite a new girl because it's always just been the three of us but I decided I would give her a shot. "Hmm, okay..she must be pretty awesome if you invited her so I'm looking forward to meeting her. Have you let Nate know?" I asked. She sighed and said, "Yeah, but he's a lot more skeptical than you. Anyways just be here around seven and bring some movies! Love ya!" "Okay, love ya too see you then!" I said and hung up the phone. It was already 6:17 so I got out of bed and threw some clothes and essentials in my duffle bag. I pulled on some leggings and a t-shirt then french braided my hair. After finding a couple movies and hugging Ace and Ellie, I slipped on my tennis shoes and grabbed my keys before heading out the door. It was about a 30 minute drive to Ainsley's house so I hooked my phone up to the radio and listened to Daughtry. Driving through the Forest that surrounded my house always calmed me, it was so peaceful and beautiful. Rounding a curve I saw movement in the tree line and slowed down in case the animal decided to run in front of me. Turning my head to try to see what kind it was I realized it was another wolf. This one wasn't as big as my wolf and had reddish fur that looked corse instead of silky. I slammed on my brakes as it ran in front of my car and stood there staring at me with a blood thirsty look in its eyes. My neck hairs stood up when I realized that this wolf wasn't friendly like my wolf. I slowly started rolling forward hoping that it would get scared and move, but it just stayed there until it's nose was almost touching my hood. Panicking a little, I started blaring my horn but the wolf just snarled and stood taller. I didn't know what else to do so I was about to get my phone and call someone but suddenly two other wolves came running out of the forest towards the red one. They were both slightly larger and one had chocolate colored fur and the other had the other had blonde fur. They snarled at the red wolf and started running it into the forest. Before they disappeared the chocolate one turned back and met my gaze. His eyes were startlingly human. When they finally left I shivered and drove as fast as I could out of the woods. It wasn't until I got into the open that I realized I called the black wolf, My wolf.*

Arriving at Ainsley's I grabbed my bag and quickly ran inside her house. Climbing the stairs to her room I found her, Nate, and a girl I'd never seen before setting up the DVD player. Clearing my throat to get their attention, I walked in. The girl turned around and smiled when she saw me. She looked oddly familiar but I couldn't place it. She had mid length black hair and grey eyes. "Hi, I'm Kendall. You must be Rayne", she said brightly. "Nice to meet you Kendall and yupp that's me." I replied. "Hey Pierce! What took you so long girl!" Nate yelled. "Yeah did you get lost?" Ainsley said laughing. I laughed nervously and said "You guys wouldn't believe me if I told you." They all focused their confused faces on me. "What happened Rayne?" Ainsley said with a worried look. I cleared my throat and told them the whole story from when I first saw movement to when the three wolves disappeared, leaving out the chocolate wolf's human eyes. Ainsley and Nate looked amazed and a bit doubtful after I had finished but what caught my attention was Kendall's face. She didn't look surprised at all, she looked worried and maybe even guilty but I couldn't figure out why. "Are you sure they were wolves?" Nate asked. "Yeah maybe they were just some big wild dogs." Ainsley added. I shook my head and said "Guys I know a dog when I see one and these weren't dogs! They were huge and they were definitely wolves." "I believe you." Kendall said quietly. I turned to her and smiled, "Thank you." I said. "We believe you but that's still insane!" Nate said while Ainsley nodded along. "I know, but enough about my crazy encounter. Let's watch some movies, I brought MIB and Pitch Perfect 1&2." I said. We ended up deciding on Pitch Perfect and we all sang along to the songs and had a lot of fun until we all passed out on the couches. *

I woke up before everyone else and went to the kitchen to make some coffee. While I was sitting at the bar Kendall walked in and sat across from me. "Morning" I said yawning. "Morning to you too, is that coffee?" She replied. I nodded and poured her a cup. For a little while we sat in silence listening to Nate's loud snoring and watching outside but then she turned to me seriously and said "Do you remember what color the wolves you saw were?" I looked at her for a minute and then said "Yeah, the littler one was red and the two others were chocolate and blonde. Why?" She shrugged and mumbled "Just wondering" before heading to the bathroom. I wanted to question her more but decided to let it go. When everyone else got up Ainsley's mom made us waffles and bacon and we all ate breakfast. Kendall wouldn't meet my eyes the whole time we ate but I just shrugged it off. After breakfast I packed my stuff up and told everyone bye before driving home. I drove unusually fast through the woods because they didn't feel very peaceful anymore.

I know this chapter isn't very good but I had to introduce Kendall some how! Anyways please comment your thoughts!

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