The beginning of everything

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We start out as something small. We are then loved or hated based on our visual appeal or lack thereof. 

Then comes the judgement.

See, our parents or our guardian, even ourselves, we try to teach the ways of finding a way to avoid ridiculing eyes and harsh, calculating stares from unwanted eyes.

We go through life from the day we were born till the day that we are six under, wrapped in a coffin of our choice. 


That's not our choice actually.

We roll over in our graves, hoping that the younger version of ourselves will be greater then the past version that came before. 

Did that make sense?

I hope it didn't. It wasn't meant to make sense in the slightest. It was meant to start the chain reaction of underage thinkers and over achieving prospectors. We aim for the gold but come away with the bronze, and then we learn the meaning of learning and pain. 

We go through our elementary school, little John or cute Abigail on the playground has a crush on us. 

"Oh, I like the way John smiles"

"Oh, Abigail has pretty hair"

Oh this, oh that, oh this, oh that.

It was okay back then, we didn't know any better, we didn't know what the big words meant and the difference between liking a girl or a boy meant. We didn't care who we sat at lunch with and we didn't worry about the minuscule things like hygiene and dental care.

Then came middle school.

Oh...the time of puberty. 

From voice cracks to unexpected acne breakouts, we were truly at the middle of it all. It was the time to begin getting to know the meaning of those minuscule things that we had total disregard for back in elementary school.

We have graduated from the little leagues, it was time to play with the big boys. 

Suzy suddenly had huge boobs and Chris had six inches added to his height.

"Oh my god, have you seen Chris? He's so cute"

"Oh my god, dude, you totally need to get with Suzy, she has some big tits"

Oh my god, oh my goodness, oh my goodness gracious.

We began to find out about ourselves and what we liked and what we didn't. We began to question things that we previously believed in. Whether or not guys or girls appealed to us, and what that meant when we were or were not the same gender. What girls liked to see on somebody, what guys didn't. 

We were at the pinnacle of the latest trends and apps. Everyone wanted a Facebook, and everyone had an Instagram. High heels and skimpy skirts, muscle shirts and cargo shorts. The beginning of it all, the beginning of discovery of ourselves.

Then we went to the land of the oppressed emo's and SAT scores.

Oh so fabulous high school.

It was the time of our lives, the time of maturity and mistakes at it's finest. We had stayed up late studying for a test while sliding into the DM's of the most popular girl in school. Panicking over our test scores while sneaking peaks at the cutest person in the room.

Holy shit...

I just found out that Amber was checking me out

Oh my fucking god...

I just found out that Mike had asked for my number and Snapchat.

Cusses flew out of mouth like our rank morning breathe; we missed the bus and had the explain to our parents as to why we had to walk to school; We figured out our sexuality but were too scared to tell anyone. Life was being thrown at us, and we had no other choice but to swing. With a touch of depression and a stroke of our egos, we finally conquered the big one...


Who us the dumb fuck that said that everyone enjoyed it?

Because they deserve a scissor kick to the face. 


It was time to celebrate!...

With a pregnancy test and a trip to the hospital to be sure that we didn't just get some type of sexually transmitted disease.

Man, what's the deal with sex?

Who said we had to do it with the opposite gender?

Who said that it didn't hurt?

That it felt good?

Not everyone enjoys it, and we literally just took one of the biggest steps of our life.

Now time for graduation. 

Oh, doesn't the thought just make your heart pound? You're at your ropes end, you have given your last year your all, in hopes that some college is going to scoop you up and carry you away from your nosy parents. 

You have lost friends, you have gained friends. You have learned the meaning of hygiene and dental care, and you have studied for hours for the SAT's and the latest winged eyeliner trend. You truly have done it all, sex, school, friends, fights, tests, and everything that came in between.

You walk across that stage...

and fall flat on your face. 

Right into the realm of adulthood.

You are at the beginning of it all, the judgement, the sexuality quest, the inability to not poke yourself in the eye with the eyeliner pen, the stupid boners in class, and the failed test.

Time will fly, and leave you behind if you don't take life by the reins and dream big, dream wide, and never settle for anything less than your happiness.

Since we are all human.

And your own journey begins with you.

Hello! Captain cookie here. 

So this is the start of my newest story, "Hands, Feet and Soul". I am still going to be continuing a Musical Nobody, while continuing on with this. See, once a House made out of concrete was finished, I felt like I left it at a weird place. I didn't want to poetry written in those chapters to go to waste, to be left to crumple and fade away. So I wanted to start anew!

With another story, which is the one that you're looking at right now!

It is not poetry, it isn't character based, it is simply a short story. I had hoped in entering this into the Watty's, but let me write some chapters and then we'll see where this story goes. 

Since we are the new, let it was repeat something of the old...

I hope everyone is having a good day, or a good night!

Let's get it going...

-Captain cookie out-

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