No name

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We've grown into big boys and big girls.

We've been trying to become something more then a blank face roaming the hallways with a chip on our shoulders. But it was hard when we couldn't bond with anyone. The hard part with growing up is that we keep changing, and no matter what we do, we can't do anything but keep running with life. Girls that used to  cute little girls that were nice on the play ground, suddenly have morphed into hot bitches with a crazy obsession with makeup and buying dresses for no apparent reason except to catch the eyes of football players.

...did I mention that they were hot?

We lose the ability to come off sweet when we know that we have a test the next morning that we didn't study for, we lose the ability to be happy when we have fake friends, we lose the ability to be anything more then a mindless drone in the grand scheme of things. Our parents keep pushing us to grow up, saying that video games isn't a job to have, or that art is a lie when we know that it's our passion.

We also lose interests in personalities. 

Everyone morphed into a hot person or was stuck being mediocre.

But who doesn't like a hot bitch?

If you had the looks, then came whether or not you had the personality to jump into the car with little miss sweetheart and ride off into a sunset...

...or more or less into their bedroom for a little of horizontal tango.

Hopefully you don't get the old bump and dump treatment, or the "I had herpes and totally forgot to tell you while we made out on my mattress". Man, wouldn't it suck if after all that effort, you just get left behind?

But isn't that just the harsh truth?

Unless you can move on.

Once you have become a teenager and you walk into the teenage war zone, it is every man for themselves. Nobody is going to hold your hand anymore and tell you that everything is going to be alright, because life isn't just peaches and cream. You can't always keep your friends around from middle school or elementary school because people grow up and they change. They meet new people and develop new interests. 

To everyone that manages to keep trying to hold onto that...


You can always make more friends. It becomes harder to be yourself when you start to fade into something different, something that others are not used to seeing. When you start thinking other things, are feeling weirdly about certain things, finding humor in things others wouldn't, it becomes hard. People do more daring things as they get older, and it's hard to continue riding the waves of adolescent sleep deprivation and mixed feelings.

High school and middle school are the places to make yourself into something.

You were once the happy go lucky kid back in elementary school, not sure if what you wanted ranged from a lollipop to the coolest game that all your friends were playing. Once you got your first pimple, you had the scary realization that you were growing up right before your own eyes as you looked into the mirror and watched a thousand more grow out of nothing on your face. You watched as you baby fat that you once held tightly to your skin when you were a child melted away and you began to have more definition and hair in places you were unfamiliar with before. Your voice cracked at awkward times and your period was always coming and making your life a living hell. 

Your finally in your 8th grade year, the scariest of them all. It was right in the sweet spot, right before making the big jump from middle school dances and recess with your friends. You were nervous to grow up, but as the days rolled by, it grew even more apparent that you had no choice but to go with it.

Since time waits for no man.

You leave and get ready for the next year to come, officially a ninth grader, in your first year in high school. The first day was scary, since everything was bigger and the people were more mean and grown up. You were surrounded with a lot more experienced kids and you had no choice but to keep rolling with the punches. Your already used to starting fresh, but it's a little harder this time, since their are people that are already there, taking you place.

It's hard to try to be anything more than a blank face.

Anything more than a no name.

And even if you kept trying to make friends like how used to, it's not as easy, since not everyone understood. The hot bitches were just that, the jocks were just that, everyone had been placed into a category. Ranging from the weirdo to the popular girl, it really was the beginning of the end.

You better strap in.

Because once you hopped aboard this train...

There is no way it's stopping.

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