Old School Lasagna

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It was freaking cold outside, my nose had already frozen and the rest of my body was freezing more and more pass the time. A friend of mine had recommended that restaurant right across the street to me. She said there was a lot of different dishes and that the owner knew how to cook almost anything I could think of, and not only that, everything he cooked was delicious. Being curious the way I am and loving putting tasty things in my mouth, of course, I needed to try this.

I cross the silent and cold street. It was almost like a city of a scary movie, maybe an apocalypse? I don't know. The only thing I know right now is that I'm hungry and dying to taste a nice cooked meal.

After I pushed the door gently and entered the room in a bit of a rush because of the cold outside I slow my footsteps and look around absorbing the mood of the ambient. It was really calm. It's pretty quiet, huh? Peaceful. Comfy. I feel like I'm at my own home all by myself. And there's a smell, what a nice smell. And also there's ... there's no one here? Where are all the people? Hiding in the comfort of their homes? Oh gosh, people these days can't even stand a slightly cold weather. I roll my eyes and only then I notice the guy behind the counter staring at me with curiosity showing all his face.

I gasped a little. How long has he been looking at me? Hope he didn't notice I'm starting to blush. Damn it, why do I have to blush so easily?

"Hello... hm, I-Well... ahem, don't mean to be rude but why there's nobody else here?" I tried to smile but I was too nervous do to that normally so ended up giving him a little and extremely shy corner smile.

He struggled a bit holding up a giggle and I became even redder than before. What an ass. I can clearly see you are trying not a laugh of my face right in front of me. I glanced around one last time and was turning myself in the direction of the door to exit as fast as I could.

"Hey! Sorry, I didn't mean to bother you this much. I just thought your reaction was the cutest thing I have seen all day."

HE REALLY THINKS CALLING ME CUTE IT'S BETTER THAN LAUGHING AT MY FACE. I'M ANGRY NOW. REALLY ANGRY. I REALLY... need to calm down. Why the fuck am I overreacting? I need to stop being such a drama queen.

I was staring at my shoes while holding the door handle trying to calm down when I felt a gentle touch in my left arm. I turned around and there was he. Really closer to me and with his hand resting on my shoulder. He is so close, I mean fuck I almost can smell his breath. WAIT! TOO CLOSE. I widened my eyes and blushed so hard I could feel it burning my cheeks. Burning me down down down. Wait, why am I singing in a time like this? Focus. I need to Focus.

I just realized I don't even know who this guy is. Maybe I should ask him, right? Would this be strange? Asking who he is only now since I had all the time to ask before doesn't seem normal. Oh shit! There's been a long time I'm standing right here staring at him with my face all red. SAY SOMETHING, YOU WEIRDO!

"Hey, I'm really sorry. I shouldn't have called cute someone I have only met. And answering the question you did before, today is my day off. I only came here to organize some of the shopping I did today. You really surprised me." he pouted a little and then pointed with his eyes to the board hanging on the door.

I took a closer look and from inside the board was saying... "OPEN?" I murmured then realizing that if this side is pointing inside then the board was warning everyone outside the restaurant that it was closed.

"I-I'm so sorry I didn't notice this. I was so excited to eat here today that I was only thinking about that. Things like what meals and desserts I could order." I kept staring at my shoes trying to calm down and most importantly, not become a tomato.

Old School LasagnaWhere stories live. Discover now