Chat #9: Someone Was Here

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CREATORChat #9: Someone Was HereJuly 18, 2017 @20:03

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Chat #9: Someone Was Here
July 18, 2017 @20:03


Yaomi: No probemo~ ^^

Camillia: You will really find difficulty if you don't know math basics, Maeri.

Maeri: I regret being too carefree way back junior high school... T^T

Lavea joined the chatroom

Lavea: G-Guys..

Maeri: Hi Lavs!

Yaomi: Yes, Lavea-san? ^^;

Camillia: ?

Lavea: Someone was here..

Lavea: I think someone made into my condo.

Yaomi: A thief?!

Lavea: It wasn't a thief, all of my stuffs are still here.

Lavea: I-I just woke up and was busy surfing in the net in my bedroom when I heard strange sounds coming from down the stairs.

Yaomi: Omgg... Are you okay?!

Lavea: Fuck. I am sure I did saw a dark figure down there.

Yaomi: N-No cussing... ^^;

Lavea: Lol. Yes I'm fine.

Lavea: I filed a report to the CCTV staffs.


Lavea: Apparently, the cctv wasn't working that time when it happened. One of the staffs said someone technically broke in the system.

Yaomi: Didn't you called your parents?

Lavea: Excuse me? Oh, sorry. I'm old enough so I can stand by myself. I don't need them.

Camillia: That's unusual... That person might be a skilled hacker.

Lavea: ....

Lavea: I'm.. scared.

Camillia: Which condominium do you live? I can go visit you.

Lavea: What? That's crazy. I don't need it. I'm not yet comfortable meeting you right now.

Yaomi: You are not okay!! Hmp. >. <

Lavea: Uhm... Let's forget it.

Maeri: Oh, you're a scaredy-cat XD

Lavea: What did you say? -.-

Yaomi: Oh please stop, you two xd

Maeri: You should have martial art lessons. It's nah good to feel afraid cuz u don't know how to defend yourself EHEHE.

Yaomi: Are you good in martial arts, Maeri-chan!? *o*

Maeri: I've been in Hapkido for seven years now with a green belt :3

Camillia: That is pretty essential especially for a woman living alone.

Maeri: YEE!! It is essential to all of us!! I could teach you and invite you when all of us meet!! :3 I can also do judo and tangsudo, not gonna lie LOL.

Yaomi: You must be pretty dedicated in martial arts! ^^

Maeri: I do love my sport!! HAHA

Lavea: Thanks. Well, then... I need to rest. Good bye.

Camillia: I pretty have a lot time in my hands so I'm going to watch movies.

Maeri: I have short quizzes tomorrow urgh @–@ I need to continue my study.

Yaomi: Yeah you should!! Feel free to message here anytime if you need help again ^^

Maeri: Thanks, Yam!!

Lavea left the chatroom

Maeri left the chatroom

Camillia left the chatroom

Yaomi: Hmm maybe I should watch anime a little bit. Ohoho ^o^

Yaomi left the chatroom

Yaomi left the chatroom

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