Chats #8: Maeri's Struggle

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CREATORChats #8: Maeri's StruggleJuly 18, 2017 @12:34

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Chats #8: Maeri's Struggle
July 18, 2017 @12:34

Maeri joined the chatroom

Maeri: Hey.

Maeri: Thanks, Yam.

Maeri: I feel upset today.

Yaomi joined the chatroom

Yaomi: Hi~! ^^

Yaomi: Omg, did something happened?

Maeri: [ • • • ]

Maeri: I don't really understand why there are some people in the campus are annoyed with me.

Maeri: I think it started when I went under your tutoring and lending me your notes? T-T My grades have improved since then...

Yaomi: Eh.. Is it wrong when a person is starting to become better? ヽ( T-T)ノ

Maeri: I know... that's why there are SOME and I don't get their point. I hear SOME talking loudly behind my back.

Maeri: [ • • • ]

Maeri: Sometimes, I don't really like the mentality of my other classmates who are dominating the room. They are starting to doubt me. Even our teachers.

Yaomi: Is their impression that bad to you? Teachers should feel good about your grades o(TヘTo) Hmm..

Maeri: And yeah I heard a rumor about me saying I cheated.

Yaomi: I believe you are not cheating. I am a witness of your hardwork *^*

Maeri: Thank you, Yam.

Yaomi: Seeing you get emotional like that... Why are your friends let your to become like this? Lols..

Maeri: Oh no, they're not letting me. They have encouraged me so I don't feel alone.

Yaomi: Okay, that's good to hear!! As long as you are surrounded by friends, you are not an alone human!

Maeri: Yes I am.

Maeri: I meant all of you about being my friends :>

Yaomi: Sweet~ ^^ You are my friend, Maeri-chan and I am your friend too ^^

Maeri: It is hard to fight back all those rumors if I am the only one who truly knows myself.

Maeri: Some of my good classmates remained silent for the better. So I'll just let this pass because they don't define me.

Yaomi: I like your spirit! ^^ Maybe those people have problems causing their hearts become like that...

Maeri: I am upset but I feel sorry about them personally for wasting their time criticizing me instead of improving themselves.

Maeri: Well, enough talk! I'm really not a fan talking about other people.

Maeri: I'm relieved now that I let my frustrations go a bit.

Maeri: I am going to eat lunch now, you should also eat too ^^

Yaomi: I already did, thanks for asking~!

Maeri: My day is now good, thanks Yam XD. GOTTA GOO~ XD hihi

Yaomi: Study well!! ^^

Maeri left the chatroom

Maeri left the chatroom

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