Chapter eight

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Tori's point of view:

When I saw Jason kill a man, I was shocked and scared at first, then that feeling went away. The guy should have known he was take my the one and only Jason McCann, and with him, you can't get away with anything. Jason's didn't like it when I saw him kill Bruce. And to be honest, I didn't like either. But I sucked it up. I have to used to the fact that this is the way they live. And this is the way I live now. I decided to stay with Jason and I'm going to to stick with it. I told him I wasn't going to leave him like everyone else in his past. I made a promise to him.

When Jason agreed to let me go to the meeting, I felt like he was opening up to me. Because the last time I asked, he said it was his business with the guys and he didn't want me to get involved. But he need to learn the fact that I'm in this weather he likes it or not. Being will him, has opened me up to a new world. I know the world was ugly and cruel but this is beyond compare. And to be honest, I like it. I like the bad boy Jason and the way he lives. And this my life style now.

I got a long shower and put on black ripped jeans and a white v-neck. I walk back into the bedroom and saw Jason laying on the bed with his arms behind his head, shirtless. I stared at his hot abs, biting my lip.

"Hey babe, like what you see?" He winks at me.

"I like more than like what I see," I say, winking back.

I walk over to him and straddle his waist while lacing his fingers with mine. I bent down and pressed my lips to his. I hear him groan and I pull away, teasing him.

"You are a freaking tease," he says.

"Yeah, I know." I climb off him and went back to the bathroom to continue getting ready.

He walks up behind me and wraps his arms around my waist. "What are you getting ready for?"

"I'm going out," I say, finishing up my makeup.

"I don't like that idea."

"Why? We always go out."

"Yeah, we," he points at both of us. "I was with you when we got out. I don't like you not having someone with you. Just in case."

"Jace," I say, turning around and wrapping my arms around his waist. "I'll be fine okay. Nothing gonna happen. Beside, no one will notice me."

"Well," he trails off, thinking. "I want you to take something with you." He losses my arms and walked to his closet and takes put a gun.

"Jace, no. I don't want to carry that with me," I say, stepping back. I don't want to carry a gun. I never shot before and what if people find out I'm carrying that thing?

"Baby, please?" He begs. "So I know you have protection. Just in case anything happens."

I sign. "Finnnnneee," I dragged it out.

He laughs. "Good, now, your good to go," He flips the gun on safety. "Take my car," he says, throwing me the keys to his Ferrari. He pressed his lips to mine roughly for what felt like forever. I wish it was forever so I could be with him.

"Be care. I love you."

Driving into the city, I could help but think of back home. What is Chloe doing right now? I'd she okay? Does she know I was taken? Well, I'm not taken anymore. I choose to stay here with Jason on my own. So It wouldn't be kidnapping anymore. I pulled into an empty parking lot by a big building. When I got out, I notice a group of guys walking towards me. I made sure I had the gun Jason gave me in the wristband of my pants. I pulled my shirt over it so they wouldn't see.

"Nice ride," one of the guys say, his jeans sagged pretty badly and he had a SnapBack on with it turned backwards.

"Thanks, I know," I say, smirking. I'm not afraid of these guys. They may look scary and tough but something tells me they aren't all that bad.

"It's not normal to see a sexy girl like yourself around here. Where you from cutie?" he asks.

"Why do you want to know?" I asks, still smirking.

"Cause I was wondering," he walks towards me and runs his hand down my arm, and around my waist. He still doesn't know what I'm finding. "If you could come with me back to my house and we, uh, do some business."

He bents his head down to kiss me but when he's lips were meters from mine, I wipe out the gun and point it into his chin.

"Get the hell away from me," I say, serious now. They guy held his hands up and slowly backed away. I put the gun back and push pasted them, smiling. I'm not that same girl like I was back home. That girl would have been scared of those guys and would do whatever they said. This girl isn't scared of anyone or anything. I will show of what I could and I would be a shamed of it. I walk down the sidewalk and saw a bunch of families and friends hanging out. You it will make me miss the life I had before this, I don't. I wasn't free then but I'm free now and that's all that matters.

But Chloe was a different story. I always told her everything I was feeling and everything I went through or was. And she always listened to whatever it was or at least I think she did. Is that bad? That I don't even know if my best friend even listened to what I always said. But I do miss her. But does she miss me? I miss the way she made herself feel at home when she stayed the night with me. Cause she was always home. Even though she made smart, sarcastic remarks, I miss those too. But if she saw me right now, I don't think she would take me back.

I stopped in front of a opened store with a big glass window, showing their merchants. I saw my reflection in the glass and I stop and look at myself. I'm different. I'm new. I'm improved. And I can't go back to the girl I was. I saw and know to much to go back even if I wanted to. It just wasn't to going to happen. Even if I choose to leave Jason and go back home, my parents, school or even Chloe wouldn't take me back. I'm not that same innocent, little girl that always did what she was supposed to do.

I always did what people told me to do to them happy. But I wasn't happy. I never did what made me happy and now I get it. And Jason has taught me that. I going to live life with no regrets.

"Uh? Ma'am? Do you need any help?" A woman's voice rang, snapping me from my thoughts. I turn and saw an older lady prying around the counter of the front door or the store. I read the sign and the store was called Bella&Brittany's Clothing Store.

"Oh, no thank. I was just looking," I tell her, blushing. Of course she would come out here asking me what, I was staring inside for god knows how long.

"Okay, sweetie. If you want anything you let me know, alright? Have a nice day,"she says, smiling.

"You have the same," I walk off.

"Tori!" I hear a girls voice yell. I started walking faster. What? No one here knows my name, so who is it? I turn my head slightly and got a glance of long, blonde hair.


Hey loves! So here's the thing, I'm thinking about taking this story and my other story down. I'm not getting comments or votes. So I don't know if you guys like the story or not. So I don't want to waste your time. I'm not getting much reviews in either story so that's why.

I know this story is going pretty fast. But don't worry, if I don't take down this story, there will be more chapters.

ATTENTION: I want to make sure non of you are confused on what's happened so far. When Jason took Tori to the house, later the cops found Jason's car. Jason and Tori went into finding. I didn't put all of what happened in there for a reason😉 a reason you guys will found out. Soon.

So I hope your not confused anymore. Or if you wasn't, you still know.

I have worked hard on this story and I hope you guys like it. It means so much to me, knowing people read this story and like it.

Please vote, comment and share if you liked it!

I love you guys!❤️

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