Chapter 12

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Tori's point of view:

Then the guys were off. I watched their cars till I could see them no more. My worry level just went sky high.

"Tori," I hear Carly say. "They will be fine. They have been trained for stuff like this,"'she pats my back gently.

I nod. "Alright, let's go."

She followed me into the computer room. The screens all had a full on view of the streets surrounding the bank and our district. Well, basically all of the city.

"Tori," I hear Carly say my name.

I turn to face her. "Yeah?"

"How long have you been here?" She asks.

"A little over three months," I say.

"Wow, so your really close to Jason?"

"I don't know to be honest."

"Well, I have dated Marcus for about six months now and I know very little about Jason. But from the looks of things, I think Jason's in love with you."

I smile. "I'm in love with him also. I shouldn't but I am."

"Did you ever wish for an escape?"

"Yeah. Before I fall for Jason, I was looking for every possible way to get away from here. But now I'm glad I didn't."

"Don't you miss your family and friends?" She asks.

"Yeah. I do. But I was never happy about the way I lived but then. But now that I'm with Jason, I'm happy again," I tell her. And it's the truth. "Jason may sound angry at times. He may seem pushy, demanding, cocky, and sometimes down right hateful. But, you just have to look past all that. I mean, he did have a terrible past but he is actually a very sweet, caring person. And if it weren't for him, I would have gave up."

She frowns and looks at her feet. "Before I met Marcus, I had a boyfriend. He's name was Adam," she smiles a little like she was remembering a good memory. "We dated for a year and half when he started acting strange."

"What do you mean 'strange'" I ask.

"He started being very furious and very..." She trails off, like she didn't want to continue. "Abusive."

My mouth widens. "He hit you?"

"Well, yeah, he did," she says. "One day, we snuck out of school to go eat and I kept asking questions about his father. He never would talk about him. I remember him telling me that his mom left cause of his father but he didn't want to leave him like his mother did."

"What did he do?"

"He kept saying he didn't want to talk about him but I wanted him to tell me. Then, he..." She closes her eyes. "He slapped me."

I gasp. "He slapped you?!"

"Yeah, but it was my fault. I wouldn't stop asking. But he apologized right after like a hundred times. And I was stupid enough to forgive him."

"I'm so sorry," I say, not knowing what else to say.

She shrugs. "It doesn't matter. What matters is that I gave up on ever being happy but Marcus showed me love and happiness."

Jason's point of view:

"This is it boys! You ready?"

"Born ready."


A big explosion. That's all it took. I smile to myself. This is it. Nathan and Marcus tied the cable to the back my Austin's car and mine. Alarms and sirens were echoing off the walls.

"Ready?!" Austin yelled over the loud noise.

"Go! Go!"

With that, Austin and I raced out of the bank. Dragging the case behind us wasn't slowing us down. Like I predicted, cop cars were running hot behind us as we drove down a busy road.

"Speed up," I call Austin. We both did, the cops were getting smaller and smaller.

I call Tori. "Babe, where?"

"In about five miles turn to East Lake Rd," she tells us.

When we got there we turned, the cops still behind us.

"Alright, there should be a cut off at the end of the road to the main road. Go there."

Soon, we got to the cut off like she said. We turned and got on the main road.

"Good, more cops are behind you guys," she informs.

"Alright, thank you Tori," Austin says, through the walkie talkie.

I hear her giggle. "Welcome, good luck!"

She went off.

"You ready bro?" Austin calls me again.

"More then ready," I tell him.

At the end, there was a long bridge that connected one side of town to the other. The cops are not allowed on this side of town. It's out of their territory.

"Jason," Austin calls me again. "It's been amazing working with you."

I put the talkie to my lips. "Same here."

"JASON! Stop the car NOW!!" A voice calls.

Austin and I stop our cars and look at each other. Who was that? I look behind me and saw that we were over the line and the cops were at the edge on their side. We got out and walked over to them, making sure we were not close to the line.

"McCann, there is someone who wants to see you before you go through with this," one of the cops says to me.

"What's done is done," I tell him.

"Let's just kill him now that we have him," I hear one the men say. I pull out my gun and pointed at them.

"Put your gun down, Jason," it was a different voice. The voice sounds familiar but it doesn't at the same time it doesn't. Suddenly, he came out of one of the cars.

The closer he got the more i was bewildered.


It can't be. Justin?


Hey loves!! Ooo, cliffhanger! 😏 I'm so sorry that this chapter is so short but I will make the next chapter longer. Will I post it tonight? Or not? -shrugs- I don't know

It means so much to me that people are reading this story. It's my first story and I know it sucks...bad. I wrote it a few years ago sooo....yeah. I have been thinking about deleting this story and rewriting it. Or do you guys want me to finish posting what I have now and then delete it and rewrite it? It's all up to you guys.

Vote, comment (pretty please) and share!

Love you guys! ❤️

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