Chapter 1

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        Fairy tail doesn't belong to me all credits go to Hiro Mashima.    ( ◠‿◠ )
Only the story line belongs to me thank-you xx .

Erza smiles as she looks at herself in the mirror. She just changed into a nice pale pink hoodie dress that hugs her figure perfectly with a golden choker like necklace. With it she wears black leather knee length boots.

She steps away from the mirror grabbing her hairbrush and Bobbie-pins and she puts her hair up into a messy bun.

She looks in the mirror once more to check her hairs staying up and she grabs her small handbag and heads out the door. She walks down a few streets her heals clicking every time they hit the floor. Her hair sways in the soft breeze and she hugs her arms as a shiver goes down her back.

Erza's POV
I should of got a coat honestly it's the middle of autumn it's not going to be warm. I guess I was just so excited to see Mira Lucy and Levy again before we go back to school tomorrow. Oh well I better hurry so I can get out of the cold.

Normal POV
Erza hurries to the cafe' and comes inside the door chimes making sweet sounds as she does. She spots Mira, Levy and Lucy sat at a table and she goes over and pulls an extra chair to the table so she can sit.

"Your finally here I thought you got lost in the rain" Mira says cheerfully

"haha very funny" Erza mumbles back to Mirajane

Levy giggles and Lucy calls the waiter over

"Does anyone else want anything" Lucy says smilingly

"I'll have a strawberry milkshake please" Erza requests

Lucy nods

"Oh! oh! I want a hot chocolate please. Oh! And with extra marshmallows!"
Levy says excitedly

"I'll have a tea if that's okay" Mira asks

Lucy smiles and tells the waiter she wants the same as Levy and then the waiter leaves to make they're order.

"So Lucy did you read that book I recommended?" Levy asks calmly

"Yeah it was a good read I just love it when the two characters that hate each other the most end up falling in love" Lucy says fantasising

"Ye right what are you telling her to read you know nothing like that happens in real life" Erza says matter of fact.

"Oh come on I bet it does happen just because it's never happened to you" Mira says politely

"It's a fantasy, fairy tails like that never happen in real life" Erza Says bored as if they've had this conversation about a hundred times

"Oh sure you don't even believe in love" Lucy says

"I do, I just don't think love is important in high school I've got my whole life ahead of me I don't need to be thinking about silly crushes" Erza says in a factual voice

"Your so boring Erza" Levy complains

The waiter comes back over and puts the girls drinks on their table.

"Let's just forget this whole conversation" Erza says nicely

"Yeah" Lucy agrees

"So have you girls thought about what clubs your gonna join this year?" Mira questions

"Bookclub obviously" Levy says

"I'm thinking maybe volleyball" Lucy says

"Me too that and art" Mira decides

"I think I'm gonna do theatre and tennis" Erza adds

"You always freeze when on stage tho Erza are you sure that's a good idea" Mira asks worriedly

"Of course I'll just get over my fear besides I really like acting, singing, dancing that kind of thing" Erza smiles

"If your sure" Mira says still hesitant

The girls drink they're drinks and talk about anything from clothes to cake. Saying that the girls all hey they're fair share of cake and sweets as well and after an hour and a half they decide to call it a night.

Erza's POV
Me and the girls had decided to call it a night and they'd all headed home in a taxi but I don't live too far away so I decided to walk.

I left the cafe' and started to walk home. Not even after a minute of walking and I bumped into something, no someone. Either way i can feel myself falling. Oh great and I really liked this dress too. I just close my eyes and brace for impact but I don't hit the floor. After a little I open my eyes and I see a raven haired young man in ripped black skinny jeans and a black shirt to match. He also wore sunglasses and I could see the start of a tattoo coming out from under his sleeves. He was honestly quite good looking.

That's when I realised, it was him keeping me from hitting the floor he had his muscular arms holding me up from my lower back.

Just as I thought that he propped me back up on my feet and moved his arms away from around me.

"Watch were your going next time" the raven haired young man snorted

Great. He's a prick.

"Excuse me but maybe it was you, after all I bet you can barely see anything out of those sunglasses" I snapped back at him

He pushes his sunglasses of his face and up onto his head to rest. Wow he has pretty eyes ... wait stop!
I just stare at him angrily

"I can see perfectly princess" he spoke back

"Don't call me that you retard now get out of my way" I say aggressively. Who does this guy think he is?

He just laughs at me and steps to the side so I can walk past. As soon as he does I fasten my past and walk straight past him not giving him another look and going straight home.

See this is why I think guys are a waste of time.
(Not all guys please don't be offended if your a boy)

I hope you enjoyed the first chapter. I hope you did I know it's not the best or longest but I hope to improve. Love you all x



f your interested in art follow me on Instagram - bluedragonsart

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