Loan Shark

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This is Bob. He is a simple man. But not just any ordinary simple man, he's a yes man.

One day, he gets promoted at his bank to become a loan broker by his fateful boss and manager, named Larry.

Larry saw a future in Bob, due to his hard work and 'dedication' for the past 5 years. He let's Bob get the position.
Larry: You've have been great Bob!!!! So great, you put the meaning of 'great' back to Making Money great again!!!!"

Bob: "Yes we have sir!!! Especially the name of our bank, it's just so perfect!!! There's like so many great in gratefulness and–"

Larry: "Okay, that's enough Bob, you're using too many greats in the name of great grains."

Bob: "Yes I have sir, sorry if I was going too out of line with cereal brands..."

Larry: "That's great Bob, that's just great. Anyway I have an assignment for you, and that is, you handing out loans. Are you ready for this Bob?"

Bob: "Yes sir!!!"

Larry: "Okay head down below to the first floor on the right side of the entrance, and turn left to find your new office space."

Bob: "Got it Larry!!! I mean boss!!!"

**Packs everything and heads to new destination**
Bob: "Oh boy, I feel like I'm the new CEO!!!!"

"Don't get full of yourself Bobbie."

Bob: Who are you?"

"WHO ARE—?!?!?! Are you serious? I sit at the Information desk of this large scale building for the past 6 months!"

Bob: "Oh right! Anyway I have a lot of paperwork and scheduled meetings I have to–"

"Don't get full of yourself mister! I'm here to let you know when your 'scheduled' meetings has arrived through the intercom."

"Got that!"

Bob: "Yes sir!!! I mean Ma'am!!!!

"My name is Debra by the way"

*She walks out of office*
Debra: "Ugh men these days"
*Door closes*

Bob: "So young full of hot air - YESH!!! Millennials now a days are too spoiled to work, they should be in some kind of rehab for life experiences!"

"Now let's see today's scheduled meetings..."
Time | Name | Subject
6:30 PM | Mr. Robinson | Science Project
7:00 PM | Mr. GanDalffel | Grey Whistles
7:30 PM | Ms. Toppen | Train Hats
8:00 PM | Mr. Bross | Art Studio
---------Hundreds of More Meetings Later-----------
"That's a lot of people, but I shouldn't let this get in the way of my boss! I wonder what time is it now..."

Intercom System: "Mr. Robinson is ready"

"Oh boy, my first client!!!"

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