Sigma/Star Volume 10

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Welcome to Sigma/Star, a science-fiction epic of young student pilots of massive robotic battlesuits, trying to find a way through numerous battlefields, school, and each other!

In Volume 10, everything has changed. The Jahari were erased in the Battle at the Breach. Entire armies were decimated, leaving countries vulnerable and exposed. Project Ethos is launched, and rebellions spread across the Enian Federation, Eastern United States, and Artisan Confederate until the governments began to collapse. Sigmeund's Unified Front has been picking up the pieces, growing in size as it brings cities and regions under its control.

After surviving the detonation of Alpha, Porter and Sigma have fled to Dalarcya and gone into hiding for years. As the Unified Front gains more control though, Porter cannot sit by any longer and he sets out with Sigma to find his former friends again, assuming any of them are still alive. Rumours of Ardwen in Dalarcya begin to surface, and the pair begin their hunt to track down those they once knew.

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