The Offer

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The responsibility was now on the two young cousins.

But it was slowly becoming difficult.

At first, they managed easily by minimising their self-spending.

But the bills, rent and debts were crushing them.

Soon Niall's flower shop had to be sold.

The family had to go by several days without any food since Harry's bakery was burned to the ground one unfortunate night.

No one bothered to help them at all.

One day, the king showed up at their door.

He offered them a house, jobs and riches in return of only one thing or one person to be specific.

Harry and Niall quickly shot down his so called offer.

Waliyha told them to shut up and accepted his offer.

She couldn't see them cry from stomach pains because they didn't eat for days.

After much argument, the king took them all to the palace, fed them and told them to rest.

He had the perfect plan to finish off the two cousins.


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