A cluster of strange...

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Anna woke up with a splitting headache. Blinking and trying to move, she looked around to find herself sprawled across the top of the toilet seat, her head against the wall at an awkward angle. Her neck ached and her brain felt like it would explode any second. Cold water still rushed into the sink.

She pushed herself up and looked behind her, mildly surprised to see that the wall was intact. She remembered intense, white-hot pain flooding her head through her eye and checked the counter for the tweezers, which had fortunately landed beside the edge of the sink, tip outward.

Standing slowly with her palm pressed to her eye, she spotted a tiny clump on the counter not far from the tweezers. It looked like balled up blue and red string wrapped in eye goo. But when she touched it gingerly with her fingertip, it felt hard, similar to rock or crystals. She turned off the water.

Not wanting to leave this cluster of strange unattended, she picked up the tweezers again and pinched the whole mess between the tips. Cupping her left hand underneath, she took it to a kitchen counter and turned on the overhead light.

Squinting her hazel eyes, she poked at the tiny mass with the tip of the tweezers, suddenly wishing she had another pair.

"What the hell are you...?" she muttered under her breath, trying to keep her breathing shallow so she wouldn't accidentally exhale it away and lose it. She noted that her eye felt perfectly fine. A little sore, but not bad. She decided to get a toothpick from the silverware drawer and pinched the balled up fibers in the tips of the tweezers again. Just in case.

As she loosened the tweezers and brought the toothpick closer to the tear duct excretion, she watched the blue string she had pulled on stretch itself slowly toward the wood.

"No way," she muttered, moving the wooden toothpick closer. She moved it left, then right... each time she moved it, the tiny string followed. She saw the red one poking out from the tangled mass, too, and she dropped the tweezers and the toothpick, stepping back and taking a deep breath as she cupped her hand over her mouth.

What is that?

Mystified, afraid, and eager to find out what was wrong with her eyes, she grabbed a small sealable plastic baggie and put the anomaly inside. She rolled the bag up and stuffed it in her purse, grabbed her car keys, and sped to the nearest hospital in hopes of finding some answers.


Amazon: http://amzn.to/2tDfJMc 

Fibers: A Science Fiction Conspiracy ThrillerHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin