Chapter 43

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Shortly before noon, I got a call from Dad saying they had stopped at the house to drop off their bags and they would be right down to see me. I had asked him last night when I talked to him if he would meet me here at Sam and Emily's place to talk about something. He agreed, saying that Sue was coming with him, but none of the pack cared.

I was pacing around the kitchen as Paul sat at the table holding Grayson. The baby started to scream and Paul started to try to figure out was wrong with him. He just ate and he didn't need his diaper changed.

"I wonder if he can sense how anxious you are?" Paul asked looking at me. I froze, looking at him.

"I'm just nervous about what Dad's going to say," I said, walking over to the two of them. I smiled at the baby and started cooing to him to calm him down.

"He likes you, a lot," Paul said as the baby calmed down and I sat down next to Paul.

"He likes you a lot, too," I said as Paul went back to making faces at Grayson. 

I didn't notice my dad until he turned to look at Sue and asked, "we were only gone five days, right?"

"Dad, Sue," I said, standing up and going to hug them. Sam was out looking for Seth and Leah to come see their mother.

"Why is your boyfriend holding a baby?" My dad asked.

"Why don't you guys sit down?" Emily suggested. She offered to get them something to drink. She was such a great person that I wasn't sure I'd be able to do what she does half as well.

"Charlie, Sue," Paul said, nodding to my Dad and his girlfriend. They both nodded in response.

"Dad, there's something Paul and I wanted to talk to you about," I said as Paul sat Grayson down on his lap and I sat down at the table.

"You, young lady have a lot of explaining to do," my dad said.

"So, yesterday, Colin Littlesea found this little cutie about 300 yards east of here," I said. "He came and got me and we went and rescued him from the cold. We did some digging and found out that his biological mother is Paul's step-sister. She's only fifteen, and can't raise a child."

"So you two want to adopt him?" Charlie asked. I nodded and Paul agreed with my father. "Do you have any idea how much money adoption costs?"

"That's the thing," I said. "If you allow us to adopt him, we'd have to go through the tribe's government and not the U.S. Government. It'd be completely free, and we'd legally have custody of him by this evening."

"And this is something you two have decided together?" My dad asked, looking to Paul to be sure of it.

"Yes, sir," Paul said.

"How do you plan on paying​ for it?" Dad asked.

"I have a job sir," Paul said.

"I'm almost done with my radiology degree, and until I am done with it I'll get a job at the diner or something," I said. "And, I know you won't let me move to the reservation, so Grayson and I will stay in my room until Paul and I get married in a year or so."

"You guys have seriously thought this through," my dad said. "I guess that leaves me no choice but to tell you to go ahead and adopt him. Did you decide on a name?"

"Well, Grayson is definitely his first name, and then we were thinking either Ethan or Charles," Paul said.

"Go with Ethan," my dad said. "You don't need to bribe me into loving him by naming him after me."

"Okay than, Grayson Ethan Lahote," I said.

"You two get everything worked out with the tribal council and what not and come on home," Dad said. "I have something for you guys."

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