Chapter 9

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Kiki POV

Ella and I ran after him. We looked everywhere and we couldn't find him. We walked back to the boys. I was crying tears where coming down my face. I hugged my brother tightly.

"Kiki, we have to go to the meeting now." Ella said. "Ok."

Ella POV

I have never seen my best friend so heart broken. I feel bad for her. I hugged her and she smiled. "Thanks El." I smiled. We walked to the pack house. Kiki and Ethan went to their seats up front and we went behind the stage. "Ready you two?" "Yep." My dad and mom went on the stage and we waited to go on. A few minutes later my dad and mom came off stage and we went on. "Hello guys we have a announcement." "We are mates."

Every clapped and cheered. Kiki was clapping ,but she looked really sad. We got off the stage and I walked over to Kiki and she ran away in tears. I ran after her. She ran unto her room and shut the door. I looked around to see if anyone was coming and nobody was. I quickly teleported to her room. She was crying in the corner.

I ran over to her and gave her a hug. "Kiki are you ok." "No." "Is it because Lucas ran out?" "No it's because Lucas is sleeping with another girl." She was crying really hard. I hugged her. "I am so sorry Kiki." "What for it's not your fault." "I told you to tell Lucas about your powers." I whispered the last part.

"If I would of keep the secret any longer it would have been worst." She hugged me agin. "Plus El this is my destiny." She said whiles tears were rushing down her cheeks. "Kiki ,but you don't deserve this." "I know ,but I guess the moon goddess put this is my fate."

"You don't need him ki." "I wish I didn't ,but I need him. he is my mate." "Ok ,but I have an idea to cheer you up." "Nothing can cheer my up, but what is it?" "It's a surprise." "I am not in the mood." "I don't care let's go." I grab her hand and teleport her to River Mountain. River Mountain is a ice cream shop. Kiki and I use to go here all the time. We walked out of the bathroom and went to the front.

"What would you like?" A lady asked us. "I'll take mint chocolate chip please and she will take chocolate chip cookie dough please." She handed us our ice cream and I payed her. We sat down at one of the tables in the back. We ate our ice cream in silence.

"Thanks Ella, but you didn't cheer me up at all. We finished our ice cream and

we went to the front and got Ethan and Josh ice cream comes to. We went to the bathroom and teleported us back home.

I mind linked Ethan and Josh that we had ice cream for them and they were there in the room in a flash. "Ice cream." We gave it to them and laughed. They begin eating their ice cream.

Kiki's POV

We were laughing and I finally begin to cheer up a little bit and then I heard a knock on the door. "Who is it?" "It's Lucas." "What do you want?" "Can I talk to you in private?" I unlocked the door and I walked out and shut the door behind me. We walked outside and into the woods. "What do you want?"

"I have to say this I Lucas Miller reject you Kiki Young as my mate." I broke down crying. "I Kiki Young accept your rejection." I ran up to my room and locked the door. "What was that about?" "El he rejected me." Ethan hugged me. "Are you ok?" "No." They all grouped hug me. I smiled and hugged them back.



Hello my lovely readers. How was your day. So I am sorry Kiki and Lucas shippers I need her to get rejected to carry on with my plot.

So I made a pack account called White_Fang_Pack. If you want to join their is many spots open.

If you want to ask me a question just comment below.

- Samantha

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