Chapter Six

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You all can thank @champ5402 for this amazing chapter cause she gave me this utmost brilliant idea.

PS small time jump from last chapter only like a month.


Cat's POV

"Okay class who turn is it to take home Herman for the weekend," Mr.Friggmend asked the class.  Herman, a ferret, is our science teachers class pet. Since we are in his eighth hour class (Last class of the day) we get to take home Herman.

I slowly raise my hand scared because of knowing that I forgot to tell my dads about this. "Ah Cat at the day come see me," Mr.Friggmend says directing to me. He starts to move on with class and us learning all about the solar system and things like that.


"You wanted to see me Mr.Friggmend," I say in a shy, yet formal manner.

"Yes, I just wanted to tell you about Herman. First things first Herman gets fed three times a day just like a human but he only gets a type of food that I will give you, and make sure he always has water. Also keep out of reach of animals such as cats and dogs. I think that is about it," he says handing me Herman in his cage.

"Thank you, Mr.Friggmend."

I walk out of the class room with Herman and to where I normally get picked up. I stand on my toes trying to look around for Daddy's car because he picks me up most of the time. I spot his car and make my way towards it.

"What do you have there Cat," Daddy asks backing out of the parking lot.

"Umm... It's the class pet," I say a little weary of what his response will be.

He chokes on the coffee he was drinking,"What class pet and why was I never told of this?"

"If it makes you feel better Dad doesn't know either..."

"Cat of course that doesn't make me feel better. You brought home an alive animal without mine or Joey's permission. What even kind of animal is it?"

"A ferret," I say timidly.


That is all I have for right now but I have created a google document of ideas for future chapters, so I might have more chapters coming your way soon. That is not a promise though. This is a short chapter because I still have a bit of writers block still of how to pull together my ideas. I still need more ideas though so comment them...


It can be literally anything except smut I won't do that. I LOVE YOU ALL MY LOVELIES.

P.S. Thank you all devoted readers who are leaving comments telling me to update and leaving me ideas to improve my writing. I wouldn't be here still writing for all of you so thank you. <3<3

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