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In India, being on heavier side is a big No for every girl and Pratheeksha unfortunately was a victim of this taboo. Pratheeksha, lovingly known as Prathi, is a lovely and smart girl who believed that there is something good in everyone, you just need to look. Prathi loved reading books, spending time with her friends and cooking.

Prathi's greatest inspiration was her father and to fulfil his dreams , she gave her best in studies and joined engineering. Her college life was quite different from her school life. College changed her from quite and studious girl to naughty, smart and independent girl. Her friends were the biggest gift she got out of her college life and among them, she found her best friend Aadesh.

Aadesh, the listener of their group. He hardly spoke anything unless asked to but he observed and heard everything. He was always there for his friends and this quality attracted Prathi to Aadhi. Their interactions started with fights which was quite surprising to his friends as Aadhi hardly fought with anyone. As time went by their fights turned to friendship and laughter. Prathi and Aadhi became the inseparable duo of the group. Their friends always suspected their relation to be more than friendship but the two never acknowledged the same.

As the time to leave college approached and they sat down to write their goodbyes, realization of their love hit them for the first time. Yes, Prathi and Aadhi had fallen in love with each other. After their realization, they didn't waste a second to confess their feeling and it was celebration time for them as well as their friends who was waiting for this moment for a long time.

After college ,they parted ways promising to be with each other always. But as they got caught up in the race of the real world, their love failed to stand the pressure. Work, ego and parental pressure finally marked the end of their love story. She cried a lot on the day he became someone else's but she knew she cannot challenge destiny and has to accept this change to move forward. She tried to move forward but she stood there alone unable to decide her next step.

Rohan Anandaneni, a rising superstar in Indian film industry. Rohan was born in a well known Telugu family with strong film background and he always knew that he would end up in the film industry. He grew up watching his dad and uncles movies , aspiring to become an actor. Soon, he made his debut in the Telugu film industry and became an overnight sensation.

With time, Rohan's popularity crossed state boundaries and he became a huge star across the country. But as someone wisely said, there is always a price to be payed for every single thing we gain. In Rohan's case, he had to pay the price in the form of lack of freedom and a casanova image among public. He quietly accepted this price as he knew there was not much he could do about it.

Present :

Pratheeksha was getting ready for her cousin's wedding, bracing herself for bombardment of questions about her marriage. She knew that all their relatives attending the wedding would be eager to know what she is planning to do in her life specially when they come to know that her younger sister's marriage has been fixed. How she hated those sympathy looks and fake assurance that everything will be fine. She really wished for them to mind their own business and leave her alone. But some wishes are not meant to be fulfilled. She just need to put more effort to potray her fake smile.

Rohan loved these few moments of solitude that he gets in between his busy schedule. As he stood there on his balcony with steaming cup of coffee, enjoying nature's beauty, his eyes fell on the latest copy of a famous film magazine. What caught his eyes was the news about his affair with a certain actress. A sarcastic smile appeared on his face as he read through the article. It was always same nonsense about how someone saw them together at a coffee shop, near her house etc. These things hardly bothered him because he knew this was the price he had to pay for his success. But sometimes he really wished for someone who knew the real Rohan and not the one on screen or in these magazines. As he stood there lost in his thoughts, his alarm buzzed reminding him about his work. Rohan quickly drank his coffee and went off to pack his bags as it was time for his next outdoor shoot.

Two people who are poles apart were joined by a simple wish. A wish to find someone who can accept them as they are, love them unconditionally and always be by them no matter what. Will destiny help them find their happiness? 

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