Chapter 5

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Harry P.O.V

I walk through the train station having flashback memories when the first time I had ever came here. Damn, I was so confused not knowing where to go and what wizards even were, to be honest. It was easy to point out which kids were First Years too since they seemed pretty hesitant to run through the wall with Parents encouraging them on. I never asked what it was but supposedly there was a glamor or something when you get into the vicinity of the wall so that muggles wouldn't look at us weirdly when we would run into the well. But looking around I saw a boy who was probably around my age standing to the side carefully watching the next pair of kids as they got ready to go through. I didn't recognize him either so maybe he was just a parent or something of that sort. But before I could question him anymore Ron called me over yelling at me that we were going to be late. 

Percy P.O.V

Okay, so not the weirdest thing I've ever seen but still. I can't believe I'm about to run straight through a wall. Like yeah, I've been down to hell's embodiment its self but what the hell am I getting myself into. But of course, I knew that I couldn't back out now with the torture I made Nico do. So I took a big gulp of air as I closed my eyes and barged right through the wall....into another train station? Looking around I saw kids and parents all bustling about.  Sighing I dusted myself off and slipped through the crowd into the train where kids were already boarding on to. Which to be honest I didn't know if it was the right one but it was the only one so let's just say I know what I'm doing. 

~~~Sorry for the short chapter today! But I hope you are enjoying this and all of that! So bye!~~~

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