Chapter 9

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Harry P.O.V.

I turned when I heard the doors to the great hall open but I gotta be honest I was a little disappointed when I saw it was just Professor Mcgonagall and the guy from the train station. They almost seemed like old friends as Prof. Mcgonagall had to stifle a laugh as he whispered something to her.  I watched though as they walked to the front and sat down with the other teachers. I wanted to keep on watching them but soon after them the first years walked in Hagrid this time still leading them. We all started clapping and I wondered which the of the lucky ones got to be in Gryffindor this year. 

"Williams Adam!" 

The first boy looked little scared but was trying his best to brave as he held his head up high before walking up. 


We clapped for the boy as he hopped over to the Slytherin table who was cheering. Soon after that people came and went until we were on the last few children.

"Christian Xavier!"


Percy P.O.V. 

I watched as the last of the kids went up. It was kinda like camp and so I guess I couldn't judge them that much. Soon after though Minerva walked up to a podium and all the kids went quiet. 

"Well. Since everyone has been sorted I would like to make a few announcements. First, we have a new Defense against the Dark arts professor," She said as she looked over to me signaling me to stand. "And this is Professor Jackson. You will not have his class for a week as we are still setting the classroom up. But just remember he is still a professor so you must treat him with your upmost respect. Anyway let's start the feast!" 

And just like that food appeared infront of everyone. I didn't realize how hungry I was till I even smelled the food before I realized how it would be a little hard to burn some for my dad. I think Minerva noticed my distress as she went over to me and whispered in my ear. 

"Don't worry I know about what you have to do. After the kids are out we will have a fire started for you," She said before starting to eat. 

I still kinda felt bad but hey what did my dad ever do for me other then sending me on quests? So I started to eat practically shoving the food in my mouth except trying to be more civilized about it. Sorry dad a boy has to eat. 

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