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Jackson's P.O.V

"Hello I'm home!" I yelled as I walked into the house, slamming the door behind me. Looking around, the house seemed peaceful; Yugyeom had left practice early with BamBam, Mark was with Daeni. The other three should be home but where was Maysa?

I walked up the stairs towards my bedroom but half way there, I seen Maysa walk out of Youngjae's room towards our upstairs bathroom. Walking past their open door, I see that they're cuddling naked; the smell of sex filled the air. Entering my room, I plopped down onto my bed, the thought of Maysa possibly having sex with them tortured my brain. We've only known each other for two weeks but I feel a connection with her; I love the way her eyes squint when she laughs, the way she hides her face whenever I make her blush. Whenever she smiles at me, my heart skips a beat. It makes me happy to be the reason behind her smile, laugh, giggle or blush, even if it is only for a moment. But does this jealously I'm feeling mean I like her more than just a friend?

"Jackson? Can I come in?" Maysa spoke softly as she gently knocked at my door, pulling me out of my thoughts.

"Of course" I responded. She opened the door, and walked towards the bed; she sat on the edge and smiled down at me; it was a simple, tender smile. Thoughts of kissing her filled my mind, remembering how soft her lips felt against mine, the thought was tempting.

"How was practice?" she asked curiously.

"Tiring, I'm wiped out from dancing but it went well" I answered, yawning slightly. I turn to lie on my side; I look at her peaceful face. Softly grabbing her hand, I pull her down with me. I wrap my arm around her waist, pulling her back up against my chest then nuzzling my face in the crook of her neck. I could see a faint blush on her face. "I like cuddling you" I admitted, rubbing small circles on her stomach.

"I like cuddling you too Oppa" she said, leaning back onto me; she lodged her hand on top of the one I had placed on her stomach; she gently held my hand, making butterflies erupt in my stomach. If I could, I'd stay like this forever.

Unexpectedly, she turned around facing me; she rested her forehead against mine, brushing our noses together. I stared into her silver blue eyes. The shade of her eyes often changed, something simple that I found interesting; when she was sad, they deepen to navy blue but whenever she was happy, her eyes would twinkle and shine a bright silver blue color.

Holding her close to me, she laid her head gently on my chest; I ran my fingers up and down her back gently. Sighing contently, I close my eyes and drift off to sleep.

Later That Night (Maysa's P.O.V)

Stirring in my sleep, I woke up alone in Jackson's bed. I grab my phone from the dresser, looking at the time; it read 9:00pm. Noticing I also had a text message, I check it.

Wang Puppy: Come to the backyard when you wake up.

Me: Is it cold? I'm wearing a skirt. Can I take a pair of your jogging pants?

Wang Puppy: Of course babe

Getting off the bed, I take my skirt off and grab a part of black jogging pants quickly putting them on. I slowly make my way downstairs; approaching the back door, I notice Jackson outside starting a fire in the homemade pit. Putting on my shoes, I walk out the back door; as Jackson looked up, his eyes landed on me and a huge smile formed on his face. He patted the seat next to him on the bench; smiling, I sat next to him and snuggled into his arm, slightly yawning.

"Is Jagiya still sleepy?" he chuckled, a blush creeping onto his cheeks when he realized what he called me.

"Only a little" I replied. A sudden breeze picked up, making me shiver. When Jackson noticed, he took off his own hoodie and insisted I wear it. Putting on his oversized hoodie, I snuggle into it; the smell of his vanilla perfume filled my nose, making me instantly melt. He watched me in awe as got out a bag of marshmallows and some sticks.

"Can you roast me a marshmallow?" I asked, smiling innocently up at him.

"Anything for you" he responded as he started to roast it; as it caught on fire, he blew on it and took it off the stick, feeding it to me. I blushed in return.

"Thank you Oppa" I said smiling gently, planting a kiss on his cheek. He instantly flushed crimson.

Suddenly, Jinyoung comes outside with mugs of hot chocolate on a tray. He set it down on the bench and smiled at the two of us. "Have fun you love birds" he winked at me before walking back into the house.

Picking up my hot chocolate, I smile at the little marshmallows that covered the top. "Marshmallooooow" I playfully sang, earning a giggle from Jackson. As I took a sip of hot chocolate, a coat of melted marshmallow stuck onto my lip; however, before I could lick it off, Jackson leaned closer to me as he stared into my eyes. Before I had time to react, he gently pressed his lips against mine; instantly blushing, I kissed him back in response. He then softly bit my bottom lip, a faint moan escaping my mouth without notice.

Many marshmallows later, we moved to the blanket Jackson had sprawled across the ground away from the fire. I snuggled into Jackson as we stared into the starry sky; he started to sing My Home softly as he gently rubbed my back. My eyes became heavy listen to him; he was peaceful to listen to, I felt at home with him.

I started to fall asleep in his arms but he whispered something I couldn't pick out right before sleep took me over. 

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