Chapter One

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Chapter 1 - “As long as there is life, there is hope.”

12th March 2015

I heard the bell ringing. “Pfewww” I sighed relieved. Even though the class has ended I knew that another one would begin in ten minutes. It is not much time but I guess it’s enough for me to relax. As I moved my head around the class looking at everyone else sitting up and stretching their arms, I started thinking whether I would ever be able to get used to living here. From the very Royal Palace of Essex to Ardene, Romania. Not the best place to live in but at least it would be better than being dead. It was something I was required to do and something that I accepted to do.

Every colleague I managed to take a glance at seemed happy for the class to have ended. Smiles were spreading on every face that I was looking at. And then my eyes met “her”. Her smile going from one cheek to the other revealing her perfect white teeth. Once again that “odd feeling” started to overcome me. I never thought I might ever feel like this. And yet I am doing this for almost ever since she joined my class. Ever since I first saw her, her milk-like skin and brunette hair that curved at her every step leaving behind a strong scent of Chanel Alure. I have grown accustomed to that most beautiful scent as I’ve always tried to stay nearby her, to always attempt to be as close as I could ever be to her. She was perfect. Moving so graciously through the desks as if she were a swan. I’ve often compared her to a swan as she always seems so sensitive. Perhaps too sensitive for me to ever speak to her. Every single night I would think of her, of her smile, of her playing with her hair, I would also tell myself that I will talk to her the next day no matter what. But there always seemed to be a “but”. Every single time I had managed to pick myself up off my seat, to go towards her, I...I...I just panicked and walked past her. I just could never make myself to talk to her. I think I am just too afraid of ever facing a failure again.

Then I raised my arm to the level of my chest and took a look the backside of the hand. “Through this very hand runs the blood of the heir of the United Kingdom.” I thought. I always imagined it to be a curse brought upon me, but now more than ever I knew that it had it’s positive aspects. “What would that solve however? Even if I confessed who I really was to her, how would that help. She wouldn’t love me for who I am, but for my title.”

The bell rang again and I realised that the class was due to start. I looked at her one more time and opened my backpack to get my Maths notebook on the desk. “Another hour wasted of my life it seems.” I mumbled as I got up to salute the teacher as he entered the class.

Surprisingly enough the hour passed quite fast and I was already on my way home. Hmm, what an abstract word “home” is. What is a “home” to be more precise? Is it a residence in which one lives over a period of his life or is it a place in which one can relax after a stressful day. If the second option is to be chosen than I can’t really say I am going home. I start thinking of my life before that unfortunate day. Was it better? At least now I am free to explore the world as much as I want. I just wished my tutors weren’t so weak-minded and unable to understand the chain of evolution that the society and everyone else accepted. If I were to be disrespectful I would often compare them with chimpanzees. They are smart enough to accomplish basic tasks that a human being can do, but too primitive to actually analyze what else can be fulfilled.

As I continued to step on the stairs through which small patches of grass grew, showing the true age of the construction itself, a man crashed into me. I felt as I lost balance and as my head touched the tip of the stair. All that I can remember is that I began to roll over the stairs. Luckily enough, I had curled up, holding my legs with my arms and holding them as hard as I could. Everything then shifted to darkness. I can barely remember a voice asking me whether I was okay or not right before I passed out.

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