Chapter Two

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Chapter 3 - “Nothing is true, everything is permitted.”

17th March 2015

“Yes. See you tomorrow Andrew. Don’t forget to bring what I requested.” I heard the man saying.

He seems to be walking to his car. You don’t often get to see a Ford around here. Perhaps he has come here from a more wealthier city. Either that or he is involved with illegal activities. Is this why Leader appointed me to kill him? As I was hiding beside the brush, I opened the dossier and looked at his address. “It is only a twenty minute walk from this place.” I mumbled. Why is he taking the car then?

Checking my clock I realised that I had been late to the class. Even if I go to the class what difference would it make? I would waste more time anyway. I could just say that I felt bad. I have always had perfect attendance exactly for situations like this. It is highly unlikely that the teacher won’t believe me.

Making my way out of the bush I attempted to follow my target’s car. “Good thing I had enough money to borrow this bike.” I thought to myself. As I followed the car I noticed that he had passed the turning point. I knew it. He wasn’t going home. But if that was the case, where was he heading?

As the car made it’s way into an area which was under construction I got off the bike and hid it in nearby. It would attract too much attention if I would go there by a bike. There doesn’t seem to be anyone at the gates. I began investigating with the telephone for camera in the vicinity. None. What would a businessman as successful as himself be doing here? I had to get in to check the place out. Going through the gates would be too easy. They most likely hid the cameras in the interior where not even from a satellite one can see them. Effective usually, but too rudimentary when facing an experimented thief. Truth is, I never imagined myself doing this, even if it all feels like second nature to me.

It took me half an hour but I managed to surround the complex two times and find another entrance. I have never really understood why would one put two entrances to the same building especially if the building serves a special need. A opened the trapdoor and climbed down the stairs. What was this stench? Was I in the sewers? No. There is no sign of any water down here. I got my phone out and used it to light the room up. On my left there were a couple of boxes while on my right there were two doors. “What an odd room.” I said to myself.

As I approached one of the boxes to open it, I heard steps coming from one of the doors.

“Shit! Where do I go now? Come on Daniel, think fast.”. The boxes were too small for me to fit in them and there was nothing else around.

“Oh what the hell, it’s not like I have any other choices.” I thought as I lunged towards the boxes and rolled behind them. I could barely hide my body properly behind it. My head and arms however were left out. “All I have to do know is hope he is blind enough not to notice the obvious human arm hanging behind the small boxes that were quite probably the sole reason he even came down here.”. I sighed as I reached for the pistol. One mag...too bad there is only a bullet inside. If I waste it I doubt I can ever get close enough to him without making anyone suspicious. This didn’t depend on me anymore. I had made a mistake and if I am to get punished for it, I could become a goner in no time. All I could is hope.

A black figure entered the room pushing the door aside with such force that I thought he might have broken the wall. He came right towards me with large steps until he stopped in the middle of the room morosed. Did he discover me? To my surprise he turned around and as determined as he entered the room, he left. What was all of that about? Has he forgotten something? I should hurry up in case he returns.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05, 2014 ⏰

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