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The television is playing behind my back with some news about politics as I move here and there in my hotel room, packing. My one and only duffel bag sits on my queen-sized bed wide open, as wide as when Danny packed my things up when he wanted me leave a week ago. It haunts me then, it haunts me now, but I try to shake it off of my head. At least for now, though I know it's going to haunt me later forever.

It's very bright outside. The sun is blaring, but in a good way. It's surprising to see people down there walking without their coat on, but it feels quite odd too. They look happy either with their friends or they're alone. I smile to myself, thinking how cool if my bestie is here with me. Usually, when the weather is good, we would be laughing all day long until the weather changes.

Once I am done packing my clothes, I go to the toilet to get my toiletries. I dry them down before I throw them inside my bag and get ready for the day.


It's good to know that my hotel costs not over the budget. As much as I want to get away from Danny for ... days or you can say a week, but I am always concern about my money. I am unemployed. I mostly receive money from online writing competition, that could hardly accommadate my weekly expense, to be honest. I would probably live by the street if I am not living with Danny.

"Thank you! Have a good day," says the blond receptionist behind the counter with a big smile, showing her perfect white teeth.

I didn't say anything except returning her sweet smile, nod and mouth her a thank you.

My smile quickly vanish as soon as I turn my back to her. I grip on my bag tightly, dragging my feet as fast ad I can towards the elevator as people around me take a glance up at me with their sympathetic eyes. I know my face looks so exhausted because the lack of sleep last night. And I've been sick since the date with Danny.

Quietly, alone, I start the engine, counting the time by seconds until my car's ready for the ride - something that I do whenever I am so bored. I don't really have any agenda today that could make myself rush except the concert. Yes, The Script concert. The one that Danny begged me to go. I am anxious to think of any surprises Danny has planned, but I am excited to go, at the same time. My stomach churns when I think about it.

First place I stop before I get to breakfast is a laundry shop. I get to the counter and show the receipt to the same woman I sent my clothes to three days ago. She skims through the receipt for my name, I guess, and then walks behind the store and comes back with a bag of clothes.

She sets the bag on the receptionist table. I take my chance to check the clothes inside the bag to make sure she didn't misplace my clothes and glad when I find that they're mine. I quickly mutter a thank you with my rough voice though my voice barely comes out.

"You're welcome," she says with a short laugh, but there's a concern in her eyes when she heard my voice.

I turn around and head to my car with the bag under my arm. I just put it inside my car when my phone in my jeans rings.

"Yeah," I greet the caller breathlessly. I struggle to close the boot with one hand before getting back to the driver's side with my eyes squinting under the shiny sun.

"Hey, you ... sound breathless. What were you doing? Jogging?" She asks with that usual sarcastic voice of hers that I've been missing.

I softly chuckle. A wide smile spreads across my face as my heart instantly gets happy with her always-enthusiastic mood. It's been a long time since I last talk to my best friend, Lilian. I miss her just like how I miss my family.

"No!" I deny, still laughing. "Loading my junks, just that," I tell her. My voice comes in and out from my throat, followed by cough once in while which I hate it the most. "How are you doin, Lily? Long time no hear about you. How's your Mom?" I ask, practically in one breath.

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