Part 22

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"What about... drawing?" You chuckle because you know there's no way Justin's good at drawing. "Well... maybe that's a tiny liyyle weakness of mine" Justin admits and smiles. You start giggling and the two of you just lie there for a while, giggling, until you stop all of a sudden and shoot up onto your legs. "Oh. my. god." Justin looks at you with the most confused look ever. "ohmygodohmygodohmyholyquacamole" You continue freaking out whilst criss-cross walking through the whole room and taking everything you find that is your posession. "*yn*! What is it?" You are still too shocked to give a proper answer and just mumble "parents" under your breath. "Did you say 'parents'? What do you mean? Are we... Oh my god, are you, I mean who - are WE parents? No wait that's impossible, you can't be pregna- we didn't even - WHAT?!" Justin stutters and you can't help but crack a little smile when you literally hear the engines working in his head. "No, no, no, not WE are parents, don't you worry. I... I just remembered that I do actually still have parents on this world and I haven't been home for more than two days and they probably already got the FBI to try and find me and I really need to go home and make sure they don't expect me to be found dead in the woods or something" Justin's facial expression smoothes a bit and he clearly relaxes - until he realizes what you just said and he starts helping

you pack your stuff. "I'm going to call you a cab that'll bring you home..." Justin picks his phone up and calls a cab. You have all your stuff packed in front of you and you start wonderig why the hotel hadn't been searched yet. Your parents have always been overprotective and the fact that they haven't even called you get is making you feel odd. Usually, you would have expected them to call the police if you didn't show up for about 8 hours and since you haven't been home for more than two days, something rather spectacular must have happened to make your parents stop from getting all the secret agencys of the world to look for you.

You rub your sweaty palms on your jeans and take your keys from your pocket. You don't know what you expected what would happen when you open the door but it was definitely not what you see as soon as you push the door open. Your mom is casually sitting by the dining table and doesn't seem to be stressed in any way. Your father is not there what makes you jump to the conclusion that he has gone to work just like he does every day. You stand there for a while and ask yourself why the heck your parents didn't freak out over you not coming home - until your mom notices you. "Oh, *yn*, good to see you home! How was it at Noah's?" Your mother doesn't seem to be concerned at all and her voice is calm and normal. "At Noah's...?" You ask, trying not to give away your confusion. "Well, he called yesterday morning telling us that you are with him and you'd stay for a bit and that we didn't have to worry..." "Oh..." Your mind races and you try to remember what had happened in the last days as exactly as possible. Yesterday morning... yesterday morning... Yesterday morning you were with Justin and Noah was mad as hell (and still is). Why would he say that you- "Oh... That!" You try to cover up your lack of knowledge of what had happened and just take it as a blessing that your mom is neither screaming at you nor crying her eyes out. "It was.. Uh.. alright" You talk as calmly as possible and smile a bit until you think it's appropriate to take your stuff and disappear in your room. Why would Noah tell your parents that you were with him? Did he know that they'd freak out if they didn't know where their daughter was? Did he just want to help you? Why on earth would he do that?

A ringing phone pulls you out of your daydreams and you pick up your phone. "Justin? What's up?" "Are you home? How did it go? How long are you grounded for?" Justin's voice sounds worried but also joking. A smile tugs on your lips. "Not at all" "How did you do that?" "That's the thing... I didn't do anything. Apparently, Noah called my parents and told them that I was with him... I really don't know what happened but I'm just glad I'm not locked in this room for the next three years." falling asleep that night isn't easy. Your thoughts keep swirling around Justin and Noah and Justin and Noah and Justin and Noah... By the time you finally fall asleep you've beaten every single one of your highscores of all the games on your phone and your relax-playlist has been played 3 times all the way through. Yet you're still not genuinely relaxed and find yourself dreaming the whackest shit history has seen in... ever. "Bing". Uuuurgh. You open your eyes and try to see anything apart from ... light - which you drastically fail to do, then go over to grabbing your phone and checking for the reason it stole your well needed sleep. You plan on being pissed at the person that had such a lack of reasonnable judgementability that they texted you at 5 AM in a night you had barely even slept in the first place but that's not that easy. Because being pissed at Justin isn't easy. In fact, it's pretty much impossible. "take a look out of ur window" says the message and your heart immediately starts racing as you quickly put on a pair of sweatpants and run up to the window to see nothing but a few twigs and branches and the sun slowly peeking through, awakening a few early birds. You keep looking out of your window, trying to see something or someone that could possibly be Justin. After about half a minute of sinply staring out of your window into the street like an actual creep you decide it's enough and go back to your bed and unlock your phone. "Where are you? I can't see you out of my window!" you text Justin slightly furiously. Who does he think he is, awakening me in the early hours of a morning I planned to sleep in on? Anyways - it doesn't take long until your phone beeps again. "ofc you can't see me if i'm not there lol" DID. HE. JUST. PRANK. ME. You're about to ring him and furiously tell him how much of an asshole he is when you hear a weird noise coming from your window. You quickly stand up from your bed and walk towards your window for the second time. And this time, there's somebody standing there, in the street in front of your yard, throwing pebbles at your window like in a ridiculously romantic movie - but it's very clear that it's not Justin. it doesn't take you long to figure out who's standing there in front you your house, even though your mind doesn't seem to find any reasonable explanation as to why he'd be standing there. Noah. Not exactly what you need at this moment to be completely frank. But how did Justin know about this? Noah throws another pebble at your window, a rather huge one this time and you decide it's time to go down and meet him outside - just for the window's sake. Ain't nobody wanting to have a broken window here! You get out of your room as quietly as possible because your parents are asleep in the room next to yours and probably wouldn't be too happy to wake up to their daughter leaving the house at 5:34 AM in order to speak to a guy she's not exactly on good terms with. As you walk downstairs into the livingroom you start realising the absurdity of whatever it is happening to you at this moment and you consider going back up to your room and just sleep it all off for a second but then you see the picture of Noah standing outside in your head and decide to just go for it. For some twisted reason Justin knew about him being there so he can't be here to kill you. At least you hope so.

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