The One With the Chore War

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Delta's POV:

I was still trying to un-stain my skin from the KOOL-aid shower. It was a bright red and was clearly not 'blush'. I went over to the Davenport's like always, and Zadie was already there.

"What's up, peppermint?" Zadie laughed.

"Ha ha, very funny. This isn't coming off you know."

"Ha ha, that makes it ten times better!"

"Why are you even here so early?"

"My mother is home."

"Oh, makes since. Where's Leo?" I asked.

"He is cleaning the house from our prank war."

"Ooh, that is not fun."

"No it is not." Zadie agreed.

"Ugh, okay, toilet's clean. Bathtub's clean, sink is clean, and may I just say, you people are disgusting." Leo said, walking out of the bathroom.

"Here is your chore money." Tasha said, handing him a small wad of cash.

"Sweet! I have enough money to see the new Pig Zombie movie and get a T-shirt. Pig Zombie: Cruise Ship Massacre in 3-D. Hungry hogs on the high seas."

"Why would you want to see that?" Zadie remarked. "Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter sounds way better."

"Oh please, I would rather see TED. And that movie sounds like it will make me throw up...twice." I declared.

"Leo, I don't want you wasting your brain, your money, or your time on that trash. You are not going to see Pig Zombies. End of discussion." Tasha decided.



"Can I-"


"Glad to see we were able to talk this out!" Leo shouted.

"Leo, I know you want to be a superhero, but that's the worst costume ever." Adam said, walking in the room with Bree and Chase.

"I was cleaning the bathroom, so I could get some money to see my favorite movie. But someone who shall remain nameless...won't let me go." Leo pouted.

"Wait a minute, you get paid money just for cleaning stuff?" Chase asked.

"Oh, yeah. Most kids have chores. You clean things around the house, and then you get an allowance from your parents." Tasha explained.

"Why wasn't I ever given chores?" Zadie asked, looking to Tasha.

"Your mom knew that you wouldn't do them."

"Ah, right you are."

"I want chores!" Bree said.

"I want money!" Chase shouted.

"I want a big furry hat so I can wear it to scare animals." Oh Adam, you are one of a kind.

"You can finish my chores" Leo huffed. "There's no reason for me to have money since Miss Bank-Manager put a freeze on my fun account."

"So where should we start?" Bree asked.

"Just look around the house and see what needs to be cleaned." Tasha explained.

"I got this." Adam said as he lifted up the couch with one hand. "Oh! That's where I left my lucky floss!" Eww, Adam.

"If you use that, I will hurl." Chase said.

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