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Tobi: Hi there.

Pein: hello I made this grp to talk about pressing matters

Deidra: yo bro wtsp

Hidan: nice grp

Kisame: Hi


Zetsu: Hello boss

Konan: hi

Sasori: hello boi


Itachi: the hell are u doing here

Kakazu: you are no longer a memeber of the akatsuki.

Deidara: you fool. We are gonna destroy u.

Orochimaru was removed by pein

Pein:let's talk about what we need to do.

Kakazu: what we need is money

Deidara: and clay

Hidan: a new knife

Itachi: nail polish (black)

Kisame: chakra for my sword

Konan: paper

Tobi: a new mask please

Pein: stop it. I am talking about the jinchurikis,

Sasori: new puppets so basically wood

Zetsu: yas wood

Itachi: pein how r u hoping to capture a jinchuriki if u can't even buy us what we need to defeat them

Konan: I agree

Sasori: nice

Kisame: S A V A G E

Deidara: ur point of view is an explosion

Kakazu: we need more money to buy your stuff

Itachi: actually we have a LOT of money

Tobi: yeah boi. Tobi is a good boy, he wants a new mask.

Pein left the grp

Hidan: soo we aren't getting our stuff...

Itachi: wtvr so... what now

Deidara: we put pein back and listen to his plan??

Zetsu: or we leave

Zetsu left rhe grp
Everyone left the grp

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