Chapter 23: Peculiar Atmosphere

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Dawn broke across the horizon, and because he'd forgotten to shut the curtains, Jay awoke to the blinding rays of the sun. He failed to withhold a groan as he covered his face with his hands and roused his roommate from sleep.

Ken slowly rose from his lying position, stifling a yawn to glare at Jay who had taken to rolling around on the floor. It's much too early to deal with this. "What are you doing?"

"It's too bright," he complained, burrowing under his pillow.

"Then shut the curtains."

"Don't wanna."

Ken closed his eyes and inhaled and exhaled deeply. He could abstain from sharp comments at six in the morning.

Jay stood up and stretched, sighing in relief as his joints popped. He chuckled as Ken cringed and plopped beside the pale teen on his bed.

"Did you have sweet dreams?" he asked in a teasing voice.

Ken knew better than to trust him. He narrowed his eyes. "I slept well."

"Did you—" the spelunker leaned in and lowered his voice "—dream of your girlfriend?" He smirked upon seeing Ken's fair complexion redden. "You did, didn't yoUAHHH!"

Jay's yelp resembled a strangled Chatot as he was shoved off the bed onto the hard floor. He landed with a thud and groaned in pain as he rubbed his aching behind.

"Dude, I was kidding."

Fuming with hot embarrassment and anger ready to burst forth, Ken hissed a curse underneath his breath and stormed to the bathroom. He splashed his face with cold water to soothe his flushed skin. The heat boiling inside him dissipated.

Curious to see the color, Ken removed the amulet from beneath his shirt and scrutinized it. The rosy jewel had adopted a purple tint over the past couple of days, going from a coral pink to a hue reminiscent of the carnations planted adjacent to the daycare. Alice's hopeful expression on the Prism Tower flickered in his mind, and the blush reappeared in a deeper shade.

"You okay in there?" Jay called through the door.

Ken tucked the amulet under his clothes. "I'm fine."

* * *

The party of five left the Bristow home in the following hours in high spirits. There were but two stops left in the tour, and both the hosts and participants couldn't wait to part ways. With the radio blasting and wind combing through their hair, Dan sped Sassy to Laverre City.

An uneasy feeling settled upon Ken as they reached their destination. An eery aura radiated from the area, sending chills down his spine. He'd never been one for superstitions, but the overgrown willow trees draping atop rickety houses and mushrooms jutting out of logs that lined the streets made him think twice. Even the elderly and children gathered at a park they passed stared at them with hollow eyes and vacant faces.

Jay voiced his discomfort first, "Is it just me, or is this place hella creepy?"

"It's always been like this," Alice said, keeping her gaze straight ahead. "Not to be mean or generalizing or anything, but Laverre City's really, really weird."

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