Dean x Reader x Sam - Snowball fight

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Christmas. Your favourite time of the year. You loved christmas. You loved gathering all the decorations from whatever place you had put them last year and start decorating the whole house and of course your favorite, the Christmas tree.

You loved going out to buy Christmas presents for Dean, Sam and Bobby and choosing what they would like for a present even thought they said they didn't want any. That's how it went every year. Them denying they wanted a present, you buying them one for each and in the end them liking it.

You also lovined trying to guess what present they were gonna buy you, they always did. Every year. And every year you tried to make them tell you what they had bought you. And you made it, well sort of. You managed to make Sam tell you what he had bought you just by using the puppy eyes, that he had taught you and that every year he said that he was not gonna fall for them again but every year he did. And you managed to make Bobby tell you just by using the proper bottle of whiskey. 

It was Dean that you never managed to make him tell you what he had bought you no matter what, yet you just kept trying.

And you loved doing things like this every year, at Bobby's house where you were living. You loved it. 

Just like you loved waking up early on Christmas day and after having prepared a full breakfast for everyone you went on to cooking for the Christmas table that you would be having that day.

From the cookies to the turkey. Everything. 

But every year there was something missing that you loved and longed for so much. Snow.

You loved snow above all. You loved watching it fall as you were inside drinking a hot cup od chocolate. Or you just liked going out and stare at it. Watch it fall and fall.

"It's so cold yet so warm" you had said to Dean one Christmas day that it had snowed and you were outside watching it fall, afraid that if you didn't it would stop and you would have missed it. And of course Dean was just looking at you like you were out of your mind. But now it was just one of the moments you went all philosophical on him and he just didn't understand. 

Like when you said that white was one of the darkest colors and black one of the brightest ones. And he just looked you with a 'WTF' face at which you laughed. To you yes white was one of the darkest colors cause just if someone came to think about it, white was just a light tint of black which ment that it practically was black and the opposite happened with black. Which to you was one of the brightest colors just exactly cause it was a darker shade of white.

But you always explained and he understood you. And that's how snow was for you. It was cold and yet warm. Just like people. Another thing you had told Dean that Christmas.

"People are like snow. They can be cold but they can be warm too. And they are unique and maybe like is every snowflake alone but together they are strong full of power and can create the biggest 'blizards'. But at the same time they are both fragile and with sallest wrong touch they 'melt'." you had said that day and he would just stare at you awe.

And you remember that Christmas very well cause since then it hadn't snowed and you hadn't had the chance to do everything just like that Christmas. But not that it mattered that much as long as you had them.

So just like every Christmas you woke up quite early and quickly changed due to the freazing temperatures that seemed lower than yesterday. But you didn't know since you hadn't heard what the weather forecast had said about today's temperatures.

But when you opened thecurtains so as to let some light get in the room you were met by a sight you were never expecting to see.

It was snowing...

Dean x Reader x Sam - Snowball fightWhere stories live. Discover now