Part 3

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After some minutes you and Dean broke apart as Sam sat beside his brother while sometimes sending him death glares.

And you all started eating silence hovering above all of you. 

And not bearing it anymore you broke it "So uhm it's snowing hm?" you said to both of them though it came more as a question.

"Yeah it is" Sam smiled answering first.

"Been a while since the last time" Dean added imidiately after him.

And then silence fell again.

But soon Dean started laughing for an unknown reason making both you and Sam look at him questioningly.

And he just started laughing even more and more.

"Uhm Dean are you ok man?" Sam asked comletely forgetting the previous incident. Not that he was gonna stay mad at his brother for that but still there was always competition between them as far as you were concerned.

But Dean didn't respond and just kept laughing almost to the verge of tears.

"Sa-Sam rember our first Christmas with Bobby when it had snowed for- for the first time a-and it wa-as the first time you had seen snow a-and..." Dean said still laughing while trying to say something. Yet not able to hold back his laughter anymore he stopped. Now laughing incontrolably.

"What what is he talking about?" you asked having no idea what Dean was trying to say. Unlike Sam who seemed to know exactly what Dean was talking about as a slight shade of pink had covered his cheeks.

"Uhm nothing..." he said his eyes fixeted on his plate "nothing" he mumbled again almost in a whishper voice.

After about a few minutes later Dean stopped laughing and started explaining.

"It was our first Christmas with Bobby that it had snowed Sammy was like 8 or 7 years old, I don't remember, and it was the first time he had seen snow. He was so exited that he was playing all day while I just watched him. At some time he asked me to play a snowball fight and I just agreed. You should have seen him. Barely being able to make a proper snowball or even throw it. It was just SO easy for me to beat him. But the best of all was the way he fell when he steped on ice." he stopped to look at Sam with a huge grin and then continued.

"And then he would just get up and start running again yet falling every five steps. And he just fell and his whole face was in the snow. And then he would get up with a huge grin on his face that seriously made me think that this boy was either nuts or masochist." he said looking at Sam again whojust glared at him for the last part.

"But it proved that he is both!" Dean finished looking at you now.

And you just couldn't keep yourself anymore and started laughing too. As Sam glared at you too. "S-sorry Sammy it's just that...." you started laughing more "Just by imagining it... it's..." and you started laughing more.

"I KNOW!" Dean shouted laughing too.

"Hey I was just 7 years old how did you expect me to beat you at snowball fighting?!" Sam prtotested still blushing.

And you stopped laughing while wiping out some tears.

"Pff please Sammy no matter how old you get I'm always gonna be better at snowball fightinf, right (y/n)?" Dean asked looking at you in the end and before you could answer Sam spoke.

"Yeah well you know that I'm better than you, right (y/n)?" Sam asked you too while you remained speechless not knowing what to say.

"Yeah right! We'll see that!" Dean said sarcastically rolling his eyes.

"Only if you're thinking what I'm thinking!" Sam turned to look at Dean with a chalenging smile.

"I'll be ready in five minutes." Dean said and quickly got up running towards and up the stairs but not before giving you a kiss on the cheek that made Sam slightly glare at him while Dean only smirked playfully.

"What are you up to?" you asked Sam raising an eyebrow.

"You'll see" was all he said as he continued eating while waiting for Dean to get ready.

Dean x Reader x Sam - Snowball fightWhere stories live. Discover now