Chapter 5

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When we get to class I sit in my regular seat and Jeager for some stupid reason sat in my seat and wrapped his arms around me! I push him away but his arms were too strong. I groan and Erwin comes in. He chuckles and j glare at him. "Nothings going on eh?" He smirks and I roll my eyes. "Erwin, if you don't want me to go to jail for murder then take him off." I threaten and he chuckled more and peels Eren of. Good... He could have found out my secret... I thought breathing deep. Eren struggled and whine making my heart skip another beep. Someone actually wants to be near me? I thought. My body started to  love on its own and by now I was holding my hands out and made grabby hands. I was also whimpering to... Erwin let go and Eren came running and sat on my lap. I smiled.... What is he doing to me?! I thought. I nuzzled his chest and breath in his scent. Blueberries and maple syrup? Odd. Yet tasty. "Mr.Arckerman and Mr. Eren please take your seats. Class is about to begin." The teacher said and my face flushed crimson red when I remember we're in class. Eren gets off and I feel my wings acting up again. I raise my hand and the teacher nods at me. My face flushed. I heard people whispering to one another and when I get outside of the class room I covered my ears and stared to breath faster. "Stop it..." I choked out. "Stop it. Stop it. Stop it. Stop it." I ran to the bathroom soothing and stroking my wings in a stoll. They eventually calmed down. J heard footsteps and put my shirt back on and walking out. "Thank goodness. The teacher sent me to get you. Class is almost over." He said. "Levi? Do you by chance have anxiety?" He asked. I nodded in response. He hugs me stroking the back of my head. "It's okay." He said and I melted. I soon realised it but class was about to end. I hurried on and when the next class stated Eren wasn't here and I sighed in relief. 'Stupid brat'. When the whole school ended I was heading home meeting up with Erwin and Hanji. "Hey Levi!" I groaned thinking it was Hanji but to my surprise I was Eren. He almost ran into my back before Erwin pulled him out of the way. I sighed in relief. "Where are you headed?!" He asked looking excited. "Home." I replied. "Whacha doin'?" He asked and I rolled my eyes. "Talking to a stupid brat" I reply and he pouts. 'He it is again' I thought and sighed. "Listen here and listen now you brat. I do NOT plan on having any sort of relationship. I don't appreciate people who play with the emotions I don't even have. I don't want anyone to be clingy to me. I don't like being touched by dirty brats like you." I said it so... Heart breaking... My heart fell deep into a pit of black ooze. His pout turning into the saddest thing I've ever seen... Tears down his face... 'What have I done!?' Before I could say anything else he ran away and Erwin sighed. "Smooth Levi. How are you going to make it up to him?" He asked and I just looked at the direction of my house and started walking. 'I did it again. I'm locking myself up in the black ooze again... I won't truly be happy...' When k get home my.mother greets me with her biggest smile. "How was your day my little ravioli?" She asked and I gave her a sad smile. "What's wrong Levi..." She said not using my nickname. "I pushed someone away again... I... Think I fell in love but pushed him away because of my secret.... I made him cry mommy! He hates me now!" I burst out crying and my.mother wraps her gentle arms around me and I whispers stuff like 'Everything is gonna be alright' or 'You don't have to worry my little baby boy'. I finally calmed as she stroked my wings as well. She never flinched when touching them. Sometimes I wonder though.... 'Are you scared of me mommy?' She held me tight and lifted my head. "Lei you know what you have to do right? Apologize and make it up to him my little ravioli. Nothing is wrong with you you've just never felt in love before now. It's scary at first but I want my little boy to have all the love he deserves okay? Let's get eating." She said and I wipped my face.

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