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I shut my eyes as I felt myself being carried as the rain started to slow down.A car door opened and I was placed onto a leather seat.
I kept my eyes shut as I heard the door close and the car start. The rain hit the car window as the image of Luke's face ran through my head. I felt a hand on my thigh and opened my eyes to be met with Crystal's arm reaching from the passengers seat. A crack of thunder rang through the car when we reached the emergency room.
"Ashton, bring me that wheelchair."
My door was opened and Ashton reached his arms out and hooked them under my armpits. I was placed in the wheelchair and Ashton pushed me inside.
"It's good to see you, y/n."
Ashton pushed me through the double doors as a nurse walked by our side along with Michael and Crystal. A door was opened and I was wheeled in.
"The doctor will be in shortly."
They all left the room and I sat facing the wall, hearing Luke screaming at me.
'I'll kill you like you killed me.'
I looked down at my feet, my ankle was swollen to the size of a softball.
'I'll kill you like you killed me.'
Maybe I should've died. Two people are dead. Two of the people I cared for are gone. All because of me.
"I should've believed you."


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