The Past & Present

66 3 0

Modern Time
3rd pov

"Dear, wake up."
"Hmm? Mother?"

The child's ears ringing of her mothers delightful voice,
Spreading warmth throughout the child's body.
A smile creeping upon her face,
Staring up at her mothers beautiful eyes that seemed
To always shine brighter then the sun.

Maybe even making the sun Envious.

The girl giggled lightly, finding her mother
Teasingly tickled her until she gave up.
Claiming she lost.

Sitting up from her mothers lap,
Sitting on her knees as she gazed down as she felt the soft
Soil press under her fingertips and Palm.
The flush grass tickling her skin.

"You hungry? I brought your favorite dear!"
Her mother cheerfully replied, her hands gently picking the basket up
Until it was propped in front of the girl.
Staring down as her mother poked her nose,
"No peaking, silly."

The girl whined as she sat up,
Staring at her mother as she delightfully rummaged through
The picnic-basket, finally
Relief to showing across her face.
The girl knowing her mother must've found what she was
So determined to find.

Her mother lifted her hands as she placed the Nutella Sandwich,
With a small baggy-of heart-shaped strawberries.

The child smiled at her mother and pecked her cheek,
Finding her mother, Carla giggle at her daughters cute behavior.

"Thank you, mum!"
Her mother smiled at her child, looking inside the basket, grabbing a plate and a small blanket
Just for her daughter,
Handing it to her, her daughter pouting after trading her sandwich and fruit for the

Her mother playfully rolling her eyes at her daughter,
Giggling at the cuteness and pouting.

Swapping, she stood in her frilly-skirt and tank-top, shoeless.
Walking to a clear spot close enough to her mother.
Laying the blanket out,
Turning back to her mother as her mother gave her the sand which and fruit.
"Here my dear, enjoy."

Her daughter lightly blushed as she opened the bag,
The scent of Nutella wafting her nostrils.
Pulling it out gently after she had placed her fruit on the plate,
Turning to her mother for a fork and she gladly gave one after a please.
Glad to hear a thank you in return from her daughter.

The skies were a burst of pink and yellow- with a clear sunset.
Soon the sun burst into a bright red, screaming the name "horror."
Making anyone cower in fear,
The mother aggressively grabbed her daughter close to her,
The girl squealing before grabbing onto her mother,
Her gaze glancing everywhere the darkness consumed.

Wanting the rush of sunlight back,
"It's going to be alright! I'm right here! Alright Eren?!"

The girl cried, letting her hands reach around her mothers wrists as she
Kneeled down in front of her, cupping her daughters cheeks.
The mother feeling a rush of adrenaline course through her as the scene unfolded.
The wind wiping at her hair and daughters,

Her Ticket To Freedom [ERERI/RIREN]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant