It's been so long...

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~Dipper POV~

I am sitting on a plane next to Mabel. She is sound asleep. Her breaths are even and occasionally she snores a little. She is still bubbly and bright like she was 5 years ago.

I can't believe we are finally going back to Gravity Falls. I look out the little window at the puffy white clouds. I plug my black shiny headphones into the tv thingy and start to watch a horrible movie that I can't be bothered. I start to drift asleep.

--an hour or so later--

I wake up to Mabel shaking my shoulder. "Dipper! We're here! I can't believe it! Eeeeee!" She squeals.
"I'm up! Stop shaking me!" I say. I take off my headphones and gather the few things I have out of my backpack, like my phone, headphones and gum.

"Passengers please put on your seat belts like shown on the screen." A female flight attendant says in a microphone that projects over the speakers in the plane.

--after a landing that made Mabel puke up her breakfast--

Mabel and I wait for our luggage to come off of that conveyer belt thing. "Dipper, do you have the bus tickets cause I can't remember the time or number of the bus thingy..." Mabel asks.
"Yeah, I'll grab them." I answer as I start to dig through my backpack.

I hand one of the tickets to Mabel as I say, "the bus leaves at 10:30am which means we have around half an hour to get there."

When we have our luggage I ask Mabel, "should we call a taxi or an uber?"
"I think we should call a taxi cause they don't get the credit they deserve." Mabel answers.
"Okay." I answer.

I call the taxi and on the way to the bus I see a triangle I blink and it's gone. I don't question it.

~Mabel POV~

I can't believe we're nearly there!!! It's amazing! We get out of the taxi and stand by the bus stop sign and wait. I hear a russel in the bushes. "What was that?!" I ask Dipper.
"I don't know, just ignore it."

~Dipper POV~

We get on the bus. I am worried about the noise Mabel heard. I know I shouldn't be, but I still am. I was probably just a rabbit or a lizard. Something like that.

--after the painful bus trip--

We get off the bus and start towards the mystery shack. It's been so long.

I can't wait to see Gruncle Stan, Gruncle Ford, Soos, Waddles and of course Wendy. I miss them all so much it's been driving me crazy.

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