A Kallevasi Wanderer

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It might be evening, but apparently in Anvil that makes no difference to the insufferable temperatures. Rhoswyn shifts restlessly on her feet, envying some of the Dawnish ladies milling around the Glory Square dressed in gowns of linen and chiffon. Canvas and wool are all well and good for travelling but it made the heat almost unbearable.

Nearby Solene and the Willows talk to Robert of House de'Ryland and some others Rhoswyn had forgotten the names of. Curse this dratted heat, sapping her energy for any conversation. She lets them talk, only half-listening, as she watches the Academy children on the Glory Square trying to challenge anyone willing to listen, to duel them. Rhoswyn's of half a mind to accept their challenge despite the horrid heat and the weariness of travelling.

'Ah, Kestrel, there you are,' comes the sound of Kaisa's stern voice. (When Rhoswyn had first met the Grimnir, she had thought her the Broken Willow's Thane and was surprised to find that this wasn't so).

The name piques Rhoswyn's interest. She's sure she's heard that name before, hadn't that been the name Wynn's letters mentioned aplenty?

She turns to her friends, to see a Kallavesi almost the same height as her standing amongst the Willows, his sandy hair glinting in the evening sun. He was smiling jovially at something one of the others had said.

But as Kestral looks at her, Rhoswyn flushes - Virtues save her, without really meaning to she had been staring at him. It's an effort to not duck her head and look away - she may only be a yeowoman but she was a Changeling and Dawnish, and maybe one day, even a noblewoman.

So, she straightens her back and offers her hand with a smile. 'I don't believe we've met,' she says, 'I'm Rhoswyn of Astolat, most just call me Rhos.'

The Kallavesi smiles. 'Kestrel,' he replies, shaking her hand. He gently squeezes it before letting go, his eyes twinkling. 'New to Anvil?'

Rhoswyn can only nod, any ability to form words, let alone sentences, evaporating. Kestrel just continues to smile before turning back to his friends.

Knowing full well, that by now she's most likely gone red, Rhoswyn silently curses herself and bows her head, letting her hair fall about her face - hiding it. She feels like a fool, she doesn't even know why she's so flustered, it's not like she's never spoken to a man before.

Fortunately, much to Rhoswyn's intense relief, no one seems to have noticed and when she finally looks up, she finds Kestrel now in the Glory Square, taking up the challenge offered by the Academy children. She can't help herself but watch, a faint smile tugging at her lips.

She finds herself remembering how Wynn's letters described the Kallavesi, often calling him a dick for charging into battle or for his many ridiculous antics. Yet, as Rhoswyn watches him let the children have their fun, she can't help but think that this Kallavesi wanderer is as chivalrous as any Dawnish knight, and perhaps even more so. 

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