bunn ;00

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precious bunny bb ;000

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precious bunny bb ;000

her name's hana, and she's slowly being consumed by flowers

basically when she was really young flowers got stuck to her and they started growing as she got older

it's slowly numbing her body, one petal at a time

she can't hear very well due to the flowers stuck to her ears, and is selectively mute

she's planning on taking an ASL (animal sign language) course in college and wants to become an ASL teacher

she's still 14 tho ;00

she used to be ambidextrous, but the flowers on her left hand forced her to become right-handed

struggles with walking due to the petals on her leg, and might get a wheelchair soon

the flowers on her head cause her to have terrible migraines

she does her best to keep on functioning like a normal bunny despite her condition

she's best friends with an aspiring botanist, who's trying to find a way to fix hana's problem

she knows that she'll probably die by twenty or smh because of the flowers spreading faster and faster as each year passes, but that doesn't stop her from trying to pursue her dreams

she's a hopeless romantic, and wishes to at least dance in prom with someone, or maybe even get a kiss before she dies

that's all i have for now lol

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