@ tagged @

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got tagged by GGPixel

so i have to do this i guess lmao

1- What are you wearing?

nothing ;))

jk jk my school uniform

im a lazy hoe orayt

2- Have you ever been in love?


3- Have you ever had a terrible break up?

platonically? yeah. romantically? no.

4- How tall are you?

im 5'1 and fitE ME

5- How much do you weigh?

idk like... 50 kilograms or smth

6- Tattoos?


7- Piercings?

i had my ears pierced twiced and both times it closed so no more pls

8- OTPs?

me x death
me x food
me x coffee

9- Fav show?

ummmm uhhhhh none

10- Fav band?

musical theatre. i dont care, musixal theatre.

11- Something that you miss?

feeling motivated

12- Favorite song?

serendipity by bts

13- How old are you?


14- Zodiac sign?

virgo, bc no one would want to fuck me ;)))))

15- What do you look for in a partner?

pretty and nice and funny

thats it

16- Favorite quote?

"gae is so fucking stupid"

17- Loud or soft music?

loud so that i cant hear the haterss

18- Where do you go to when you're sad?


19- How long does it take for you to take a shower?

5 mins max bc my bro's gonna hog the bathroom like a hoE

20- How long does it take for you to get ready in the morning?

idk i never counted

21- Been in a physical fight?

nah im too fuckin wea k

22- Turn on?

pretty girls

23- Turn off?

looking into the mirror

24- Why I joined YT?

idk just felt like it

25- Worst fear?


26- Last thing that made you cry?


orayt im tagging
@nobody bc im tired

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 24, 2017 ⏰

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