Chapter Ten

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Hi guys, first off I'm so sorry I haven't updated in such a long time. I hope to get back into my regular updates again now. Now, to clear any confusion as to why I've backtracked to chapter ten, well I felt like certain details were too fast and didn't leave room for character and relationship development so I've re-written the chapter. Some of it is the same but I highly reccomend reading this new one so you aren't confused later on. I should have rewritten the next chapter by tomorrow and so forth. Hope you enjoy, don't forget to vote and comment your thoughts. Thanks!


Livvy Lou


Elena POV:

Not once on my way to the Mikaelsson manor did I think that I would end up here, sat amongst Klaus and his siblings, directly across from Esther as we waited for her to explain what was going on

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Not once on my way to the Mikaelsson manor did I think that I would end up here, sat amongst Klaus and his siblings, directly across from Esther as we waited for her to explain what was going on. I for one wanted some answers, heck I'd be grateful for even the smallest of explanations at this point. Something to help me understand any of the events that had occurred this fateful night. I didn't expect to feel so comfortable being in a room with so many of the original family at one time, I didn't expect any of this. But then again my life had never been anything other than one unexpected shit show. We sat in silence, tension thick in the air. It was clear that the only person in the room with any knowledge as to what was happening was the original mother herself, and she didn't look up to offering any answers any time soon. She seemed to be waiting, for what I don't know but we waited with bated breath, gripping the edge of our seats and silently urging her to speak. Esther took a deep breath, as if steeling herself before finally starting to speak.

"I am sure you are all still wondering about what happened earlier this evening, when Elena, Klaus and I collapsed for several minutes..." There were several murmurs of agreement, Klaus's siblings all leaning forward eagerly. However Klaus and I wore similar expressions of panic and horror, his entire body going rigid, his hands curling in a fist. I felt someone's eyes on me and turned to see Esther gazing directly at me. She knew, she knew what I had seen. Panic washed over me and I shifted uncomfortably in my seat, leaning closer to Klaus without thinking. "When I collapsed, I was pulled into a vision, of the past and the future. They were of you two." She stared pointedly at Klaus and I, and I felt as everyone turned to stare at us. I squirmed under their stare, terrified Esther would reveal what I had seen but eager as well to understand the visions that haunted me. Klaus tensed next to me, obviously thinking the same thing, and I wondered what he had saw when he had fallen. Was it the same as me, was he just as confused? I didn't have time to ponder on this thought as Esther continued to talk.

"When the images ceased, I saw generations of witches, including Emily Bennett. She told me something, something of great importance to our lives. When I used Tatia's blood to turn you into vampires, I unknowingly created a second spell. One which connected with Nature itself. By turning you into vampires, I disrupted the balance of the world, and thus to restore balance, Nature created the doppelgangers in the form of Tatia, each one more powerful than the last. With each birth of a doppelganger, some new attribute was added; power, kindness, courage, cunningness, compassion and so on. This was to prepare for the final doppelganger who would encompass all these to create the epitome of all good. Elena, you are not only a doppelganger... you are to be the last ever doppelganger to walk this earth." Esther paused, allowing us to take it in. Everyone was staring at me in wonder but I was too lost in my own thoughts to care. Thoughts raced through my mind, sending me dizzy, an all too familiar feeling today. I was the last doppelganger? The weak human whose major downfall was her fatal ability to love with everything inside her, to see the good in places where darkness festers. I felt a pressure on my arm and turned to see Klaus squeezing me softly, wordlessly asking if I was okay with his eyes. I nodded slowly, before turning to Esther. "What has that got to do with Klaus?"

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