Chapter 11

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Hello lovelies. I'm sorry for not updating, I've been experiencing major writers block recently. But you'll be happy to know I am completely over it, and so here it is. Chapter 11! I've dedicated this chapter to savanah who has remained a loyal reader throughout. Thank you for your support! Hope you enjoy, don't forget to comment and vote. Thanks!


Livvy Lou


Klaus's POV: 

I could hear Esther speaking but my mind wasn't processing her words, too busy trying to grasp one particular sentence that was swirling repeatedly around my head. " are mates, eternally bonded..." My entire body was frozen rigid, muscles tensed, shock rendering me incapable of moving even if I wanted to. The world around me had stopped, the wind, Esther's words, even the feel of the seat beneath me was lost to me. It was like everything around me just trickled away leaving me alone with those fateful words, all noise and sound disappearing in an instant. I was stuck between two mind sets, two scenarios. One was imperfect but bearable. A reality where I pushed Elena away despite the pain it would cause me due to the mate bond. This is what I deserved, the easy route to take, the cop out. I was used to pushing people away. good at it, and if it meant it kept the darkness that follows me from consuming Elena as well, then I would gladly suffer the consequences. The other was a scenario I could only dream of happening, the one I longed to be real. Where I let Elena in, accepted our bond, cherished it even. Where for once love, real and raw love and not just blind lust, was a possible part of my future. Something I had avoided all of my very long life. I didn't deserve this scenario, not after everything I had done, I didn't deserve peace. But I'd be damned if I didn't long for it. This was the more difficult path to take though. I would have to be willing to change, to open up after centuries of keeping everything to myself. Concealing my emotions and thoughts, never fully trusting someone. I lacked companionship, someone to lean on, to be around without having to focus on keeping up all of my barriers. And that was exactly what was being offered with Elena. But could I change? Did I want to? It was second nature now to depend on only myself. I knew if I made the decision, to let Elena in, it would only be a matter of days before I needed her like I needed blood to survive. And that would be playing a dangerous game, any feelings I harbored being highlighted as a weakness, acting as a beacon to my enemies. The second word of my bond with Elena got out, all hell would break loose. They would try to use Elena to get to me, something I would never let happen, our bond not allowing it. Even now just thinking about it was making my stomach twist painfully. My mind was undecided, whether to be a coward and push Elena away like everyone else in my life. Or let her in, stepping into entirely uncharted territory, with no idea of what the outcome might be. A thought which terrified me, so used to being able to manipulate every situation to my own benefit.  The more I thought about it the more the headache that had slowly been creeping its way into my head became harder to ignore. I needed time, to think, to process everything, to weigh it all out. But time was not on my side. 

A hair-raising scream tore its way through my thoughts allowing me to focus on my surroundings. With a quick scan I was able to ensure nothing had happened to my family, the scream hadn't come from them. But as my eyes scanned the room I realized someone was missing and I felt as my stomach dropped... Elena. 

Elena's POV: 

The sky was plunged into an ominous darkness, awakening predatory creatures out of their lair. I had been walking for what felt like hours now and my body was beginning to ache. After hearing my name called through the clearing I had ran straight into the nearest tree line, knowing exactly who the voice belonged to and terrified of what they would do if they found me. I now regretted my decision. I jumped as a distant blood-curdling howl made my hair stand on end. I had run from one supernatural danger and straight into the home of another, I wasn't sure which one was worse. I watched anxiously as the forest slowly transformed into a lethal playground.Tree branches stretched out in front of me, forming a cavern of distorted limbs that seemed to reach out and grab my flesh. The moonlight that had slowly trickled through the cracks in the trees leaves became my only companion in the darkness, it's soft shimmering glow providing me direction in an otherwise impenetrable blackness. My eyes became drawn to prominent outline of the moon, a majestic, luminous pearl dominating the sky. I was mesmerised by its beauty as it spilled out onto my chest and shoulders, putting me in a trance like state.  

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