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e all love books. I love books.

But I'm not talking about the books that we buy from malls. I'm talking about the books from school. If your school dosen't require books well you're lucky.

Books supposedly are inside a locker in school, because they are too heavy to carry. I have a locker, I even have a friend who share a locker with me. But I'm talking about books in school, it's different.

Me, my brother, and my parents were in a car heading to a restaurant. Suddenly my father asks 'did you bring home your books?' I was suppose to bring my books every weekend to study, because apparently my dad was a genius (i think) back when he was in his highschool. So i have no choice but to say, 'no'. He said 'you didn't bring it again?' That fvcking me made pissed at my father but not 100%, like 50%. So i reasoned 'i was in a hurry that day' he paused for 5 seconds and said, 'why?' I replied 'because i went to the canteen for the training' after that he didn't reply anymore. After that talking shit we arrived at the restaurant to eat lunch.

I'm not saying that I hate my father forever i'm just mad because how are you gonna bring 10 or 11 fvcking books every friday and along with their specific notebooks. Well i bring my notebooks everyday soo... that's no problem. But the "books". b o o k s the fooking books nigga. Ahh i can't even-

I decided that i'm not gonna use fooking locker anymore. I'm done people. I'm fooking done.

Welp, help me calm down bitches :)

I'm just gonna look to memes and watch some funny videos.


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