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5 out of 8 complete and utter failures. 3 of them were civil about it the other 2 felt entitled enough to try for my neck. Each time I dislocated something and called for the guards. My father won't be happy that so many were so bold. I walked in to the next room seeing a suitcase open and things neatly stacked up and getting placed equally as neat in the drawers. I lightly touched the clothes wondering who wore them.

I heard someone clear their throat and I spun around facing him

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I heard someone clear their throat and I spun around facing him. I know this alpha my dad and Greta talk about him often. Alpha Alek he was all about strength and tradition. I knew I wouldn't have to worry about him attacking me because he would respect my status and let me go. He was definitely the most handsome I'd met so far. Athena perked up in my mind taking in the male for herself. I like him. He hasn't even spoken. I don't need him to.

I rolled my eyes and refocused on him. He was examining me looking me up and down noticing everything. I saw his eyes darken slightly and he licked his lips making Athena send questionable images to my brain. I pursed my lips and breathed in. You can do this. I smiled holding out my hand "I'm..." he cut me off "I know all about who you are Princess" bringing my hand up to his lips placing a soft kiss on my knuckles. I held my tongue wanting badly to let out my purr upon hearing him speak. His voice is like velvet to my ears.

I shook it out of my head "Right well I'm assuming you know why I'm here" I said trying to regain control of myself. He caught me off guard I need to get it together. He nodded and pulled me in closer "Very to the point aren't you" I teased even though I was dying on the inside. He trailed his nose down my neck and stopped just before the junction between my neck and shoulder "I'm the kind of man who hates to waste time especially time as precious as yours" I nodded feeling him take a deep breath.

He let out a low growl enough to make me bite my inner cheek to keep from mewling in pleasure. I grabbed the hair at the base of his neck and pulled him down to my level. After another gutteral growl I took a deep breath smelling the strong potential between us, he's not my choice mate but I'm sure by the time he's through he'd feel like one. Athena yipped in the back of my mind ecstatic to have it be him. He pulled away and my hands slid down his chest "I think you should go Princess before I do something you'll enjoy but regret later" his eyes were near black but instead of alarming me they excited us both.

Do we have to wait? Yes. I screamed at her cutting her off pulling away from him and closing the door behind me. Goddess he was so close. I went into the next room severely underwhelmed by the alpha he was nothing compared to Alek. I didn't want any part of him. Maybe if I hadn't met Alek it would've been possible but now there was just no shot. I pulled away and told Greta he was a miss and headed toward the last room. I felt him before I was even in front of the door.

His power and presence were so strong they lured me in like bees to honey. He was looking out at the view from the terrace. It's beautiful and from the look of it so is he. Even with his back to me. I really like this one. We haven't seen his face shut up. Listen to me. Mark my wor... I shut her out and cleared my throat. He turned slightly giving me a look at his profile. Nice.

"Come over" I walked over appreciating the view of the garden from here. My room outlooks the kingdom but this... this is beauty. I could the sunset over the hills and the soft tones change in the sky. I sighed in content it was a beautiful evening. "You are curious" I turned to him slightly shocked. Nathaniel James Hutch. The most powerful yet menacing, ruthless, and monstrous thing ever created. He towered over me looking me up and down impassively.

Athena whined a little upset he wasn't impressed by us

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Athena whined a little upset he wasn't impressed by us. I didn't care "I'm surprised you think this is beautiful I assume you see things like this all the time" judging by the bitterness in his voice he clearly was one of those people. The ones who assumed that royalty had it easy. Well I'll gladly burst that bubble "No actually... I don't get to stop long enough to see just like you I as the princess have people to take care of... a hell of a lot more than you" he looked surprised probably at my use of language or at my statement.

Didn't matter I could smell the bond between us without even getting within 4 inches of him. I turned back to the garden "It truly is the most beautiful thing I've seen in a while" he grunted this sound in agreement sliding in behind me and pulling me into him. My body responded instantly leaning into his touch. I bit my lip as he leaned down and stuffed his face in my neck. Goddess. I jumped feeling his lips graze the skin on my spot.

"Fuck you smell good" I sighed Athena jumping for joy knowing her males approved of her. His smell was intoxicating and I knew I was breathing heavily. It worsened as he licked the spot pushing his scent onto me. I pulled away not wanting to offend Alek. I still had one other suitor, his eyes were black as night and he was almost all animal. Athena surfaced growling in approval.

"You should go" I nodded breathing in only taking in more of scent and making myself weaker. We wanted him badly but Alek. I backed away even more "How many others" I knew what he was asking but I was still trying to find breath and dying to touch him. Distanced myself even more this time almost to the door "Only one" I whisper earning a deep growl. What happened next was so fast I barely registered it until I was up against the wall and his mouth on my skin again.

He sucked and licked on my spot earning a soft moan. I pulled at his hair that reached his shoulders and tried to wrap my hand around his muscles as he kissed me. He kissed up my neck until his lips hovered over mine. I wanted to claim them right then but I knew better his scent was all over me begin with. I pushed him off and cleared my throat "I have go" I said rushing out the door to my room so I could breath again.

I took in so much air I wondered how I was breathing with him so close. He was all I could sense his touch, his scent, his body all I can see, he had me so weak. Yet still he was only potential I knew it because I still thought of Alek. With my choice mate it renders all others obsolete I wouldn't even feel a connection with anyone else. I scrubbed my skin raw not wanting Alek to smell him on me even though I liked to be covered in his scent. Goddess how are we going to do this. I don't know I'm just as torn as you are.

Already got the love triangle going

Who's team are you on:

Team Alek
Team Nathan

I'm undecided anyway another chapter for you. Thanks for reading vote and comment pls.

xox Lea xox

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